
111 lines
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#lang racket
(require "modules/general.rkt")
(require math/base) ;; for random number generation
;; TODO clean up string message output and alignment
;; TODO close ports after done
;; i.e. seconds and minutes hours specifically
;; author: Ibrahim Mkusa
;; about: print and read concurrently
;; notes: output may need to be aligned and formatted nicely
; i could prompt for these instead
(define host "") ; internal home
(define host2 "")
(define host3 "localhost")
(define port-num 4321)
(define sleep-t 0.1)
; we won't need this. Just me being overzealous
(define hermes-conf (open-output-file "./hermes_client.conf" #:exists'append))
(define hermes-conf-s (make-semaphore 1))
(define convs-out (open-output-file "./convs_client.out" #:exists 'append))
(define convs-out-s (make-semaphore 1))
(define error-out (open-output-file "./error_client.out" #:exists 'append))
(define error-out-s (make-semaphore 1))
; custodian for client connections
(define main-client-cust (make-custodian))
; make connection to server
(define (client port-no)
(parameterize ([current-custodian main-client-cust])
;; connect to server at port 8080
(define-values (in out) (tcp-connect host3 port-no)) ;; define values
;; binds to multiple values akin to unpacking tuples in python
; store username to a file for later retrieval along with relevent
; info used for authentication with server
(displayln "What's your name?")
(define username (read-line))
;send the username to the server (username in out)
(displayln username out)
(flush-output out)
(define a (thread
(lambda ()
(displayln-safe "Starting receiver thread." error-out-s error-out)
(let loop []
(receive-messages in)
(sleep sleep-t)
(define t (thread
(lambda ()
(displayln-safe "Starting sender thread." error-out-s error-out)
(let loop []
(send-messages username out)
(sleep sleep-t)
(displayln-safe "Now waiting for sender thread." error-out-s error-out)
(thread-wait t) ;; returns prompt back to drracket
(displayln-safe "Closing client ports." error-out-s error-out)
(close-input-port in)
(close-output-port out))
(custodian-shutdown-all main-client-cust))
;; sends a message to the server
(define (send-messages username out)
; get current time
(define date-today (seconds->date (current-seconds) #t))
;TODO pad the second if its only 1 character
(define date-print (string-append (number->string (date-hour date-today))
(number->string (date-minute date-today))
(number->string (date-second date-today))
" | "))
;; read, quits when user types in "quit"
(define input (read-line))
; TODO /quit instead of quit
(cond ((string=? input "quit")
(displayln (string-append date-print username " signing out. See ya!") out)
(flush-output out)
(close-output-port error-out)
(close-output-port convs-out)
(displayln (string-append date-print username ": " input) out)
(flush-output out))
; receives input from server and displays it to stdout
(define (receive-messages in)
; retrieve a message from server
(define evt (sync (read-line-evt in)))
(cond [(eof-object? evt)
(displayln-safe "Server connection closed." error-out-s error-out)
(custodian-shutdown-all main-client-cust)
[(string? evt)
(displayln-safe evt convs-out-s convs-out)] ; could time stamp here or to send message
(displayln-safe (string-append "Nothing received from server for 2 minutes.") convs-out-s convs-out)]))
(displayln-safe "Starting client." error-out-s error-out)
(define stop (client 4321))