diff --git a/julia.html.markdown b/julia.html.markdown
index 2e4e7c48..c92434ff 100644
--- a/julia.html.markdown
+++ b/julia.html.markdown
@@ -28,33 +28,33 @@ This is based on Julia 1.0.0
# Everything in Julia is an expression.
# There are several basic types of numbers.
-3 # => 3 (Int64)
-3.2 # => 3.2 (Float64)
-2 + 1im # => 2 + 1im (Complex{Int64})
-2 // 3 # => 2//3 (Rational{Int64})
+3 # => 3 (Int64)
+3.2 # => 3.2 (Float64)
+2 + 1im # => 2 + 1im (Complex{Int64})
+2 // 3 # => 2//3 (Rational{Int64})
# All of the normal infix operators are available.
-1 + 1 # => 2
-8 - 1 # => 7
-10 * 2 # => 20
-35 / 5 # => 7.0
-5 / 2 # => 2.5 # dividing an Int by an Int always results in a Float
-div(5, 2) # => 2 # for a truncated result, use div
-5 \ 35 # => 7.0
-2^2 # => 4 # power, not bitwise xor
-12 % 10 # => 2
+1 + 1 # => 2
+8 - 1 # => 7
+10 * 2 # => 20
+35 / 5 # => 7.0
+5 / 2 # => 2.5 # dividing an Int by an Int always results in a Float
+div(5, 2) # => 2 # for a truncated result, use div
+5 \ 35 # => 7.0
+2^2 # => 4 # power, not bitwise xor
+12 % 10 # => 2
# Enforce precedence with parentheses
-(1 + 3) * 2 # => 8
+(1 + 3) * 2 # => 8
# Bitwise Operators
-~2 # => -3 # bitwise not
-3 & 5 # => 1 # bitwise and
-2 | 4 # => 6 # bitwise or
-xor(2, 4) # => 6 # bitwise xor
-2 >>> 1 # => 1 # logical shift right
-2 >> 1 # => 1 # arithmetic shift right
-2 << 1 # => 4 # logical/arithmetic shift left
+~2 # => -3 # bitwise not
+3 & 5 # => 1 # bitwise and
+2 | 4 # => 6 # bitwise or
+xor(2, 4) # => 6 # bitwise xor
+2 >>> 1 # => 1 # logical shift right
+2 >> 1 # => 1 # arithmetic shift right
+2 << 1 # => 4 # logical/arithmetic shift left
# You can use the bits function to see the binary representation of a number.
@@ -67,19 +67,19 @@ true
# Boolean operators
-!true # => false
-!false # => true
-1 == 1 # => true
-2 == 1 # => false
-1 != 1 # => false
-2 != 1 # => true
-1 < 10 # => true
-1 > 10 # => false
-2 <= 2 # => true
-2 >= 2 # => true
+!true # => false
+!false # => true
+1 == 1 # => true
+2 == 1 # => false
+1 != 1 # => false
+2 != 1 # => true
+1 < 10 # => true
+1 > 10 # => false
+2 <= 2 # => true
+2 >= 2 # => true
# Comparisons can be chained
-1 < 2 < 3 # => true
-2 < 3 < 2 # => false
+1 < 2 < 3 # => true
+2 < 3 < 2 # => false
# Strings are created with "
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ catch ; end
# You can put any Julia expression inside the parentheses.
# Another way to format strings is the printf macro.
-@printf "%d is less than %f" 4.5 5.3 # 4 is less than 5.300000
+@printf "%d is less than %f" 4.5 5.3 # 4 is less than 5.300000
# Printing is easy
println("I'm Julia. Nice to meet you!")
@@ -123,22 +123,22 @@ println("I'm Julia. Nice to meet you!")
# You don't declare variables before assigning to them.
-some_var = 5 # => 5
-some_var # => 5
+some_var = 5 # => 5
+some_var # => 5
# Accessing a previously unassigned variable is an error
- some_other_var # => ERROR: some_other_var not defined
+ some_other_var # => ERROR: some_other_var not defined
catch e
# Variable names start with a letter or underscore.
# After that, you can use letters, digits, underscores, and exclamation points.
-SomeOtherVar123! = 6 # => 6
+SomeOtherVar123! = 6 # => 6
# You can also use certain unicode characters
-☃ = 8 # => 8
+☃ = 8 # => 8
# These are especially handy for mathematical notation
2 * π # => 6.283185307179586
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ pop!(b) # => 6 and b is now [4,5]
# Let's put it back
push!(b, 6) # b is now [4,5,6] again.
-a[1] # => 1 # remember that Julia indexes from 1, not 0!
+a[1] # => 1 # remember that Julia indexes from 1, not 0!
# end is a shorthand for the last index. It can be used in any
# indexing expression
@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ length(a) # => 8
tup = (1, 2, 3) # => (1,2,3) # an (Int64,Int64,Int64) tuple.
tup[1] # => 1
- tup[1] = 3 # => ERROR: no method setindex!((Int64,Int64,Int64),Int64,Int64)
+ tup[1] = 3 # => ERROR: no method setindex!((Int64,Int64,Int64),Int64,Int64)
catch e
@@ -251,11 +251,11 @@ in(2, tup) # => true
a, b, c = (1, 2, 3) # => (1,2,3) # a is now 1, b is now 2 and c is now 3
# Tuples are created even if you leave out the parentheses
-d, e, f = 4, 5, 6 # => (4,5,6)
+d, e, f = 4, 5, 6 # => (4,5,6)
# A 1-element tuple is distinct from the value it contains
-(1,) == 1 # => false
-(1) == 1 # => true
+(1,) == 1 # => false
+(1) == 1 # => true
# Look how easy it is to swap two values
e, d = d, e # => (5,4) # d is now 5 and e is now 4
@@ -411,7 +411,7 @@ end
add(5, 6) # => 11 after printing out "x is 5 and y is 6"
# Compact assignment of functions
-f_add(x, y) = x + y # => "f (generic function with 1 method)"
+f_add(x, y) = x + y # => "f (generic function with 1 method)"
f_add(3, 4) # => 7
# Function can also return multiple values as tuple
@@ -538,7 +538,7 @@ typeof(DataType) # => DataType
# end
type Tiger
- coatcolor # not including a type annotation is the same as `::Any`
+ coatcolor # not including a type annotation is the same as `::Any`
# The default constructor's arguments are the properties
@@ -553,7 +553,7 @@ sherekhan = typeof(tigger)(5.6, "fire") # => Tiger(5.6,"fire")
# The other kind of types is abstract types.
# abstract Name
-abstract type Cat end # just a name and point in the type hierarchy
+abstract type Cat end # just a name and point in the type hierarchy
# Abstract types cannot be instantiated, but can have subtypes.
# For example, Number is an abstract type
@@ -587,7 +587,7 @@ supertype(String) # => AbstractString
supertype(DirectIndexString) # => AbstractString
# <: is the subtyping operator
-type Lion <: Cat # Lion is a subtype of Cat
+type Lion <: Cat # Lion is a subtype of Cat
@@ -598,7 +598,7 @@ end
Lion(roar::AbstractString) = Lion("green", roar)
# This is an outer constructor because it's outside the type definition
-type Panther <: Cat # Panther is also a subtype of Cat
+type Panther <: Cat # Panther is also a subtype of Cat
Panther() = new("green")
# Panthers will only have this constructor, and no default constructor.
@@ -619,7 +619,7 @@ end
# Definitions for Lion, Panther, Tiger
function meow(animal::Lion)
- animal.roar # access type properties using dot notation
+ animal.roar # access type properties using dot notation
function meow(animal::Panther)
@@ -738,7 +738,7 @@ code_native(square_area, (Float64,))
# push RBP
# mov RBP, RSP
# Source line: 1
- # vmulsd XMM0, XMM0, XMM0 # Scalar double precision multiply (AVX)
+ # vmulsd XMM0, XMM0, XMM0 # Scalar double precision multiply (AVX)
# pop RBP
# ret