diff --git a/scheme.html.markdown b/scheme.html.markdown
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+language: "Scheme"
+filename: scheme.scm
+- ["Bruno Ciccarino", "https://github.com/BrunoCiccarino"]
+Scheme is a minimalist dialect of Lisp that is widely used in education, research, and industry. It emphasizes simplicity, powerful abstractions, and functional programming paradigms.
+A classic resource to learn Scheme is [Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (SICP)](https://web.mit.edu/6.001/6.037/sicp.pdf). For a modern introduction, consider [The Scheme Programming Language](https://www.scheme.org/).
+;;; 0. Syntax
+;;; General form
+;;; Scheme has two fundamental elements of syntax: ATOM and S-EXPRESSION.
+;;; S-expressions are used for both data and code.
+10 ; a number atom; evaluates to itself
+'symbol ; a symbol atom; evaluates to itself when quoted
+#t ; boolean true
+(+ 1 2 3) ; an s-expression (function application)
+'(4 'foo #t) ; quoted s-expression (a list)
+;;; Comments
+;;; Single-line comments start with a semicolon:
+; This is a single-line comment
+;;; Block comments use `#|` and `|#`:
+#| This is a block comment.
+ It spans multiple lines.
+;;; REPL and environment
+;;; Scheme is typically developed interactively in a Read-Eval-Print Loop (REPL).
+;;; Implementations such as Racket, Guile, or MIT Scheme provide REPLs for interactive exploration.
+;;; Libraries and tools can be installed depending on the specific implementation.
+;;; 1. Primitive datatypes and operators
+;;; Numbers
+42 ; integers
+#b101 ; binary => 5
+#o777 ; octal => 511
+#xFF ; hexadecimal => 255
+3.14 ; floating-point numbers
+1/2 ; fractions (exact rational numbers)
+(make-rectangular 1 2) ; complex numbers
+;;; Basic arithmetic
+(+ 1 2) ; => 3
+(- 7 3) ; => 4
+(* 2 5) ; => 10
+(/ 10 3) ; => 10/3
+(sqrt 4) ; => 2
+(expt 2 3) ; => 8
+;;; Booleans
+#t ; true
+#f ; false
+(and #t #f) ; => #f
+(or #t #f) ; => #t
+(not #t) ; => #f
+;;; Strings
+"Hello, World!"
+(string-append "Hello, " "World!") ; => "Hello, World!"
+;;; Lists
+'(1 2 3) ; a list
+(cons 1 '(2 3)) ; => '(1 2 3)
+(car '(1 2 3)) ; => 1
+(cdr '(1 2 3)) ; => '(2 3)
+(append '(1 2) '(3 4)) ; => '(1 2 3 4)
+;;; 2. Variables
+;;; Define a variable
+(define x 10)
+x ; => 10
+;;; Define a local variable
+(let ((x 5)) (+ x 10)) ; => 15
+x ; => 10 (unchanged globally)
+;;; 3. Functions
+;;; Define a named function
+(define (square x)
+ (* x x))
+(square 4) ; => 16
+;;; Define an anonymous (lambda) function
+((lambda (x) (* x x)) 5) ; => 25
+;;; Higher-order functions
+(define (apply-twice f x)
+ (f (f x)))
+(apply-twice square 2) ; => 16
+;;; 4. Conditionals and control flow
+;;; If statements
+(if (> 5 3)
+ 'yes
+ 'no) ; => 'yes
+;;; Cond expressions (multi-branch conditionals)
+ [(< 5 3) 'less]
+ [(> 5 3) 'greater]
+ [else 'equal]) ; => 'greater
+;;; 5. Structs and collections
+;;; Define a structure
+(define-struct dog (name breed age))
+(define my-dog (make-dog "Fido" "Labrador" 5))
+(dog-name my-dog) ; => "Fido"
+(dog-age my-dog) ; => 5
+;;; 6. Common patterns
+;;; Recursive functions
+(define (factorial n)
+ (if (= n 0)
+ 1
+ (* n (factorial (- n 1)))))
+(factorial 5) ; => 120
+;;; 7. Libraries and modules
+;;; Importing libraries/modules depends on the implementation.
+;;; For example, in Racket:
+(require racket/math)
+(sqrt 16) ; => 4
+;;; 8. Macros
+;;; Macros allow you to create new syntactic constructs.
+(define-syntax when
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ [(when test body ...)
+ (if test
+ (begin body ...))]))
+(when #t
+ (display "Condition is true!\n")) ; Output: Condition is true!
+;;; 9. Input and Output (I/O)
+;;; Printing to the console
+(display "Hello, Scheme!") ; => prints "Hello, Scheme!"
+(newline) ; => moves to the next line
+;;; Reading input
+(let ((user-input (read)))
+ (display "You entered: ")
+ (display user-input))
+;;; File I/O
+(define output-port (open-output-file "example.txt"))
+(display "Writing to a file." output-port)
+(close-output-port output-port)
+(define input-port (open-input-file "example.txt"))
+(let ((file-content (read input-port)))
+ (display file-content))
+(close-input-port input-port)
+;;; 10. Iteration
+;;; Iterating with `do`
+(do ((i 0 (+ i 1))) ; initialize i to 0, increment by 1
+ ((>= i 5)) ; stop when i >= 5
+ (display i) ; print i
+ (newline))
+;;; Using recursion for iteration
+(define (countdown n)
+ (if (= n 0)
+ (display "Blastoff!\n")
+ (begin
+ (display n)
+ (newline)
+ (countdown (- n 1)))))
+(countdown 5) ; Output: 5 4 3 2 1 Blastoff!
+;;; 11. Error handling
+;;; Using `guard` for error handling (Racket example)
+(guard [e (displayln (format "Error: ~a" e))]
+ (/ 1 0)) ; Output: Error: division by zero
+;;; Catching exceptions manually
+(with-handlers ([exn:fail? (lambda (e) (displayln "Caught an error!"))])
+ (error "Something went wrong!")) ; Output: Caught an error!
+;;; 12. Advanced concepts
+;;; Continuations with `call/cc`
+ (lambda (cont)
+ (display "Before continuation\n")
+ (cont #f)
+ (display "After continuation\n"))) ; Output: Before continuation
+;;; Lazy evaluation (streams)
+(define (make-stream start step)
+ (cons start
+ (lambda () (make-stream (+ start step) step))))
+(define nums (make-stream 0 1)) ; Infinite stream starting at 0, incrementing by 1
+(define (stream-ref stream n)
+ (if (= n 0)
+ (car stream)
+ (stream-ref ((cdr stream)) (- n 1))))
+(stream-ref nums 5) ; => 5
+;;; 13. Meta-programming
+;;; Evaluate expressions dynamically
+(eval '(+ 1 2)) ; => 3
+;;; Quasiquoting for meta-programming
+`(1 2 ,(+ 3 4)) ; => '(1 2 7)
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