diff --git a/jquery.html.markdown b/jquery.html.markdown
index 18077dca..cdcb89d9 100644
--- a/jquery.html.markdown
+++ b/jquery.html.markdown
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ jQuery is a JavaScript library that helps you "do more, write less". It makes ma
Because jQuery is a JavaScript library you should [learn JavaScript first](https://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/javascript/)
**NOTE**: jQuery has fallen out of the limelight in recent years, since you can achieve the same thing with the vanilla DOM (Document Object Model) API. So the only thing it is used for is a couple of handy features, such as the [jQuery date picker](https://api.jqueryui.com/datepicker) (which actually has a standard, unlike the `` HTML element), and the obvious decrease in the code length.
// 1. Selectors