diff --git a/pug.html.markdown b/pug.html.markdown
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0187f1e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pug.html.markdown
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+language: Pug
+ - ["Michael Warner", "https://github.com/MichaelJGW"]
+filename: index.pug
+## Getting Started with Pug
+Pug is a little language that compiles into the HTML. It has cleaner syntax
+with additional features like if statements and loops. It can also be used
+as a server side templating language for server languages like NodeJS.
+### The Language
+//- Single Line Comment
+//- Multi Line
+ Comment
+//- ---TAGS---
+//- Basic
+//- ---LOOPS---
+//- 'each' and 'for' do the same thing we will use 'each' only.
+each value, i in [1,2,3]
+ p=value
+each value, index in [1,2,3]
+ p=value + '-' + index
+each value in []
+ p=value
+each value in []
+ p=value
+ p No Values are here
No Values are here
+- const number = 5
+if number < 5
+ p number is less then 5
+else if number > 5
+ p number is greater then 5
+ p number is 5
number is 5
+- const orderStatus = "Pending";
+case orderStatus
+ when "Pending"
+ p.warn Your order is pending
+ when "Completed"
+ p.success Order is Completed.
+ when -1
+ p.error Error Occurred
+ default
+ p No Order Record Found
Your order is pending
+//- --INCLUDE--
+//- File path -> "includes/nav.png"
+h1 Company Name
+ a(href="index.html") Home
+ a(href="about.html") About Us
+//- File path -> "index.png"
+ body
+ include includes/nav.pug
Company Name
+//- Importing JS and CSS
+ include scripts/index.js
+ include styles/theme.css
+//- ---MIXIN---
+mixin basic()
+ div Hello
+mixin comment(name, comment)
+ div
+ span.comment-name= name
+ div.comment-text= comment
++comment("Bob", "This is Awesome")