diff --git a/fsharp.html.markdown b/fsharp.html.markdown
index e345201d..69f4eb60 100644
--- a/fsharp.html.markdown
+++ b/fsharp.html.markdown
@@ -175,7 +175,12 @@ module ListExamples =
// list comprehensions (aka generators)
let squares = [for i in 1..10 do yield i * i]
- // prime number generator
+ // A prime number generator
+ // - this is using a short notation for the pattern matching syntax
+ // - (p::xs) is 'first :: tail' of the list, could also be written as p :: xs
+ // this means this matches 'p' (the first item in the list), and xs is the rest of the list
+ // this is called the 'cons pattern'
+ // - uses 'rec' keyword, which is necessary when using recursion
let rec sieve = function
| (p::xs) -> p :: sieve [ for x in xs do if x % p > 0 then yield x ]
| [] -> []