diff --git a/p5.html.markdown b/p5.html.markdown
index b6de2efb..f6084b98 100644
--- a/p5.html.markdown
+++ b/p5.html.markdown
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ contributors:
filename: p5.js
-p5.js is a JavaScript library that starts with the original goal of [Processing](http://processing.org), to make coding accessible for artists, designers, educators, and beginners, and reinterprets this for today's web.
+p5.js is a JavaScript library that starts with the original goal of [Processing](https://processing.org), to make coding accessible for artists, designers, educators, and beginners, and reinterprets this for today's web.
Since p5 is a JavaScript library, you should learn [Javascript](https://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/javascript/) first.