diff --git a/racket.html.markdown b/racket.html.markdown
index dfd30438..d3403ff8 100644
--- a/racket.html.markdown
+++ b/racket.html.markdown
@@ -204,44 +204,71 @@ m ; => '#hash((b . 2) (a . 1) (c . 3)) <-- no `d'
;; 3. Functions
-;; Use lambda to create new functions.
-;; A function always returns its last statement.
+;; Use `lambda' to create functions.
+;; A function always returns the value of its last expression
(lambda () "Hello World") ; => #
+;; Can also use a unicode `λ'
+(λ () "Hellow World") ; => same function
-;; (You need extra parens to call it)
+;; Use parens to call all functions, including a lambda expression
((lambda () "Hello World")) ; => "Hello World"
+((λ () "Hello World")) ; => "Hello World"
;; Assign a function to a var
(define hello-world (lambda () "Hello World"))
(hello-world) ; => "Hello World"
-;; You can shorten this to:
+;; You can shorten this using the function definition syntatcic sugae:
(define (hello-world2) "Hello World")
-;; The () is the list of arguments for the function.
+;; The () in the above is the list of arguments for the function
(define hello
(lambda (name)
(string-append "Hello " name)))
(hello "Steve") ; => "Hello Steve"
+;; ... or equivalently, using a sugared definition:
+(define (hello2 name)
+ (string-append "Hello " name))
-;; You can have multi-variadic functions, too
-(define hello2
+;; You can have multi-variadic functions too, using `case-lambda'
+(define hello3
[() "Hello World"]
[(name) (string-append "Hello " name)]))
-(hello2 "Jake") ; => "Hello Jake"
-(hello2) ; => "Hello World"
+(hello3 "Jake") ; => "Hello Jake"
+(hello3) ; => "Hello World"
+;; ... or specify optional arguments with a default value expression
+(define (hello4 [name "World"])
+ (string-append "Hello " name))
;; Functions can pack extra arguments up in a list
(define (count-args . args)
(format "You passed ~a args: ~a" (length args) args))
(count-args 1 2 3) ; => "You passed 3 args: (1 2 3)"
+;; ... or with the unsugared `lambda' form:
+(define count-args2
+ (lambda args
+ (format "You passed ~a args: ~a" (length args) args)))
;; You can mix regular and packed arguments
(define (hello-count name . args)
(format "Hello ~a, you passed ~a extra args" name (length args)))
(hello-count "Finn" 1 2 3)
; => "Hello Finn, you passed 3 extra args"
+;; ... unsugared:
+(define hello-count2
+ (lambda (name . args)
+ (format "Hello ~a, you passed ~a extra args" name (length args))))
+;; And with keywords
+(define (hello-k #:name [name "World"] #:greeting [g "Hello"] . args)
+ (format "~a ~a, ~a extra args" g name (length args)))
+(hello-k) ; => "Hello World, 0 extra args"
+(hello-k 1 2 3) ; => "Hello World, 3 extra args"
+(hello-k #:greeting "Hi") ; => "Hi World, 0 extra args"
+(hello-k #:name "Finn" #:greeting "Hey") ; => "Hey Finn, 0 extra args"
+(hello-k 1 2 3 #:greeting "Hi" #:name "Finn" 4 5 6)
+ ; => "Hi Finn, 6 extra args"
;; 4. Equality