Another way of checking List.contains and some headers

This commit is contained in:
Tim Yates 2013-09-02 13:02:53 +01:00
parent 6f444bece4
commit 95058aea96

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@ -74,20 +74,33 @@ technologies.remove("Griffon")
// Subtraction works also
technologies = technologies - 'Grails'
/*** Iterating Lists ***/
// Iterate over elements of a list
technologies.each { println "Technology: $it"}
technologies.eachWithIndex { it, i -> println "$i: $it"}
/*** Checking List contents ***/
//Evaluate if a list contains element(s) (boolean)
contained = technologies.contains( 'Groovy' )
// Or
contained = 'Groovy' in technologies
// Check for multiple contents
/*** Sorting Lists ***/
// Sort a list (mutates original list)
// To sort without mutating original, you can do:
sortedTechnologies = technologies.sort( false )
/*** Manipulating Lists ***/
//Replace all elements in the list
Collections.replaceAll(technologies, 'Gradle', 'gradle')