diff --git a/bc.html.markdown b/bc.html.markdown
index 1103d7bb..3420f766 100644
--- a/bc.html.markdown
+++ b/bc.html.markdown
@@ -41,15 +41,11 @@ if(hour < 12) { /*Operators are exactly like C.*/
\t: tab
\\: backslash*/
} else {
- /*Variables are global by default.*/
- thisIsGlobal = 5
- /*You can make a variable local. Use the "auto" keyword in a function.*/
+ print "Good afternoon\n"
-/*Every variable is pre-set to 0.*/
-num = blankVariable /*num is set to 0.*/
/*Like C, only 0 is falsy.*/
+num = 0
if(!num) {print "false\n"}
/*Unlike C, bc does not have the ?: operators. For example,