diff --git a/java.html.markdown b/java.html.markdown
index a025bbba..fb0913f1 100644
--- a/java.html.markdown
+++ b/java.html.markdown
@@ -23,8 +23,17 @@ Multi-line comments look like this.
-JavaDoc comments look like this. Used to describe the Class or various
-attributes of a Class.
+ * JavaDoc comments look like this. Used to describe the Class or various
+ * attributes of a Class.
+ * Main attributes:
+ *
+ * @author Name (and contact information such as email) of author(s).
+ * @version Current version of the program.
+ * @since When this part of the program was first added.
+ * @param For describing the different parameters for a method.
+ * @return For describing what the method returns.
+ * @deprecated For showing the code is outdated or shouldn't be used.
+ * @see Links to another part of documentation.
// Import ArrayList class inside of the java.util package