Fix typo in words calculate and area

This commit is contained in:
Daniel Hodan 2014-09-11 12:16:25 +02:00
parent 23e33df076
commit faa297157a

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@ -260,22 +260,22 @@ spawn(F). % <0.44.0>
% For all of this to be useful we need to be able to receive messages. This is
% achieved with the `receive` mechanism:
caculateAera() ->
calculateArea() ->
{rectangle, W, H} ->
W * H;
{circle, R} ->
3.14 * R * R;
_ ->
io:format("We can only caculate area of rectangles or circles.")
io:format("We can only calculate area of rectangles or circles.")
% Compile the module and create a process that evaluates `caculateAera` in the shell
CaculateAera = spawn(caculateGeometry, caculateAera, []).
CaculateAera ! {circle, 2}. % 12.56000000000000049738
% Compile the module and create a process that evaluates `calculateArea` in the shell
CalculateArea = spawn(calculateGeometry, calculateAera, []).
CalculateArea ! {circle, 2}. % 12.56000000000000049738
% The shell is also a process, you can use `self` to get the current pid
self(). % <0.41.0>