Hi, French is my native language and I think I might have found a typo regarding a pronoun in French in the original text it says 'la première élément' but seems to have a typo it should be 'le premier élément'. Just trying to be helpful. Enjoy your day. BTW I like your awesome website https://learnxinyminutes.com thanks for this cool initiative.
* [awk-fr], spell check, errors spot by @vendethiel
The commit accounts for errors in orthography identified by
[1] https://github.com/adambard/learnxinyminutes-docs/pull/4440
* [awk-fr] spell check, own revision
Additional spell check.
Multiple errors prevented the translation from being displayed:
* contributors was indented with a tab instead of two spaces.
* the category was not the same as the original english file.
* a code block was closed at the end of the file, but never
* Update set-theory.html.markdown
Fixed a minor typo.
* Add files via upload
Added a french translation for set theory.
* Add suggested changes
J'ai fait presque tous les changements suggérés.
* Fix spacing before semicolons
* Fixing typo in java-fr
jours de la semaine = day of the week.
jours de l'année = day of the year.
* Update java-fr.html.markdown
* Update java-fr.html.markdown
+ As the Perl 6 is renamed to raku, it is good to reflect that https://github.com/Raku/problem-solving/blob/master/solutions/language/Path-to-Raku.md
+ perl6.org is now raku.org
+ change references of perl 6 to raku
+ rename file perl6-pod.html.markdown to raku-pod.html.markdown
+ Perl refers to Perl 5, there is no ambiguity after rename of Perl6 to
Raku, use Perl only to refer to Perl 5
+ fix links inside raku.html.markdown
Before renaming, Python 3 filenames were 'learnpython3*.py'.
This commit removes the '3' part from the filename.
To verify that the filenames were named consistently across
translations prior to this commit, and to change this:
ack -H 'filename:' python.html.markdown
find . -name "python-*.markdown" -exec ack -H 'filename:' {} \;
sed -i 's/^filename: learnpython3/filename: learnpython/' \
find . -name "python-*.markdown" -exec \
sed -i 's/^filename: learnpython3/filename: learnpython/' {} \;
Before renaming, all Python 2 filenames were 'learnpython-*.py'.
This commit renames them to 'learnpythonlegacy-*.py'.
To verify that the filenames were named consistently across
translations prior to this commit, and to change this:
find . -name "pythonlegacy*.markdown" -exec ack filename: {} \;
find . -name "pythonlegacy*.markdown" -exec \
sed -i 's/^filename: learnpython/filename: learnpythonlegacy/' {} \;
for f in $(find . -iname "*python*" | grep -vE 'python3|git|statcomp'); do
flegacy=$(echo "$f" | sed 's/python/pythonlegacy/')
git mv "$f" "$flegacy"