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@ -0,0 +1,443 @@
name: Vim9script
filename: learn9vimscript.vim
- ["HiPhish", "http://hiphish.github.io/"]
# ##############
# Introduction
# ##############
# Vim9 script is a modernized version of Vim's scripting language, offering features like variables, functions, and loops.
# Accoding to `:help vim9-differences`, the principal differences from legacy Vim script are as follows:
# - Comments start with #, not ": >
# echo "hello" # comment
# - Using a backslash for line continuation is hardly ever needed: >
# echo "hello "
# .. yourName
# .. ", how are you?"
# - White space is required in many places to improve readability.
# - Assign values without `:let` *E1126* , declare variables with `:var`: >
# var count = 0
# count += 3
# - Constants can be declared with `:final` and `:const`: >
# final matches = [] # add to the list later
# const names = ['Betty', 'Peter'] # cannot be changed
# - `:final` cannot be used as an abbreviation of `:finally`.
# - Variables and functions are script-local by default.
# - Functions are declared with argument types and return type: >
# def CallMe(count: number, message: string): bool
# - Call functions without `:call`: >
# writefile(['done'], 'file.txt')
# - You cannot use old Ex commands:
# `:Print`
# `:append`
# `:change`
# `:d` directly followed by 'd' or 'p'.
# `:insert`
# `:k`
# `:mode`
# `:open`
# `:s` with only flags
# `:t`
# `:xit`
# - Some commands, especially those used for flow control, cannot be shortened.
# E.g., `:throw` cannot be written as `:th`. *vim9-no-shorten*
# - You cannot use curly-braces names.
# - A range before a command must be prefixed with a colon: >
# :%s/this/that
# - Executing a register with "@r" does not work, you can prepend a colon or use
# `:exe`: >
# :exe @a
# - Unless mentioned specifically, the highest |scriptversion| is used.
# - When defining an expression mapping, the expression will be evaluated in the
# context of the script where it was defined.
# - When indexing a string the index is counted in characters, not bytes:
# |vim9-string-index|
# - Some possibly unexpected differences: |vim9-gotchas|.
# You can run Vim9 script commands in command-line mode or write them to a file and source it in Vim.
# This guide assumes familiarity with ex-commands and focuses on scripting.
# Comments start with #
# The vertical line '|' separates commands
echo 'Hello' | echo 'world!'
# Putting a comment after a command usually works
pwd # Displays the current working directory
# Line continuation is rarely needed
echo "Hello "
.. "world"
echo [1, 2]
echo {
'a': 1,
'b': 2
# #######
# Types
# #######
# Numbers
echo 123 # Decimal
echo 0b1111011 # Binary
echo 0173 # Octal
echo 0x7B # Hexadecimal
echo 123.0 # Floating-point
echo 1.23e2 # Floating-point (scientific notation)
# Booleans
echo true # Evaluates to true
echo false # Evaluates to false
# Boolean values from comparison
echo x == y # Equality by value
echo x != y # Inequality
echo x > y # Greater than
echo x >= y # Greater than or equal
echo x < y # Smaller than
echo x <= y # Smaller than or equal
echo x is y # Instance identity
echo x isnot y # Instance non-identity
# Strings
echo 'a' < 'B' # True or false depending on 'ignorecase'
echo 'a' <? 'B' # True
echo 'a' <# 'B' # False
# Regular expression matching
echo "hi" =~ "hello" # Regular expression match
echo "hi" =~# "hello" # Case sensitive
echo "hi" =~? "hello" # Case insensitive
echo "hi" !~ "hello" # Regular expression unmatch
echo "hi" !~# "hello" # Case sensitive
echo "hi" !~? "hello" # Case insensitive
# Boolean operations
echo true && false # Logical AND
echo true || false # Logical OR
echo !true # Logical NOT
echo true ? 'yes' : 'no' # Ternary operator
# Strings
echo "Hello world\n" # Newline
echo 'Hello world\n' # Literal
echo 'Let''s go!' # Two single quotes become one
# String concatenation
echo 'Hello ' .. 'world' # String concatenation
# String indexing
echo 'Hello'[0] # First character
echo 'Hello'[1] # Second character
echo 'Hellö'[4] # Returns a character
# Substrings
echo 'Hello'[:] # Copy of entire string
echo 'Hello'[1:3] # Substring
echo 'Hello'[1:-2] # Substring until second to last character
echo 'Hello'[1:] # Substring with starting index
echo 'Hello'[:2] # Substring with ending index
echo 'Hello'[-2:] # Substring relative to end
# Lists
echo [] # Empty list
echo [1, 2, 'Hello'] # List with elements
echo [1, 2, 'Hello', ] # Trailing comma permitted
echo [[1, 2], 'Hello'] # Nested lists
# List concatenation
echo [1, 2] + [3, 4] # Creates a new list
# List indexing
echo [1, 2, 3, 4][2] # Third element
echo [1, 2, 3, 4][-1] # Last element
# List slicing
echo [1, 2, 3, 4][:] # Shallow copy
echo [1, 2, 3, 4][:2] # Sublist until third item
echo [1, 2, 3, 4][2:] # Sublist from third item
echo [1, 2, 3, 4][:-2] # Sublist until second-to-last item
# Dictionaries
echo {} # Empty dictionary
echo {'a': 1, 'b': 2} # Dictionary literal
echo {'a': 1, 'b': 2, } # Trailing comma permitted
echo {'x': {'a': 1, 'b': 2}} # Nested dictionary
# Indexing a dictionary
echo {'a': 1, 'b': 2}['a'] # Literal index
echo {'a': 1, 'b': 2}.a # Syntactic sugar
# Funcref
echo function('type') # Reference to function type()
echo {x -> x * x} # Anonymous function
# Regular expression
# ###########################
# Implicit type conversions
# ###########################
echo "1" + 1 # Number
echo "1" .. 1 # String
echo "0xA" + 1 # Number
# ###########
# Variables
# ###########
var b:my_var = 1 # Local to current buffer
var w:my_var = 1 # Local to current window
var t:my_var = 1 # Local to current tab page
var g:my_var = 1 # Global variable
# Access special Vim memory like variables
var @a = 'Hello' # Register
var $PATH='' # Environment variable
var &textwidth = 79 # Option
var &l:textwidth = 79 # Local option
var &g:textwidth = 79 # Global option
# Access scopes as dictionaries
echo b: # All buffer variables
echo w: # All window variables
echo t: # All tab page variables
echo g: # All global variables
echo v: # All Vim variables
# Constant variables
const x = 10 # Constant
# Function reference variables
var IsString = {x -> type(x) == type('')} # Global
var isNumber = {x -> type(x) == type(0)} # Local
# Multiple value binding
var [x, y] = [1, 2]
# Assign the remainder to a rest variable
var [mother, father; children] = ['Alice', 'Bob', 'Carol', 'Dennis', 'Emily']
# ##############
# Flow control
# ##############
# Conditional
var condition = true
if condition
echo 'First condition'
elseif another_condition
echo 'Second condition'
echo 'Fail'
# Loops
# For-loop
for person in ['Alice', 'Bob', 'Carol', 'Dennis', 'Emily']
echo 'Hello ' .. person
# Iterate over a nested list
for [x, y] in [[1, 0], [0, 1], [-1, 0], [0, -1]]
echo 'Position: x =' .. x .. ', y = ' .. y
# Iterate over a range of numbers
for i in range(10, 0, -1)
echo 'T minus' .. i
# Iterate over the keys of a dictionary
for symbol in keys({'π': 3.14, 'e': 2.71})
echo 'The constant ' .. symbol .. ' is a transcendent number'
# Iterate over the values of a dictionary
for value in values({'π': 3.14, 'e': 2.71})
echo 'The value ' .. value .. ' approximates a transcendent number'
# Iterate over the keys and values of a dictionary
for [symbol, value] in items({'π': 3.14, 'e': 2.71})
echo 'The number ' .. symbol .. ' is approximately ' .. value
# While-loops
var there_yet = true
while !there_yet
echo 'Are we there yet?'
# Exception handling
source path/to/file
catch /Cannot open/
echo 'Looks like that file does not exist'
catch /.*/
echo 'Something went wrong, but I do not know what'
echo 'I am done trying'
# ##########
# Functions
# ##########
# Defining functions
def AddNumbersLoudly(x: number, y: number): number
echo 'Adding' .. x .. 'and' .. y
return x + y
def s:addNumbersLoudly(x: number, y: number): number
echo 'Adding' .. x .. 'and' .. y
return x + y
# Range functions
def FirstAndLastLine() range
echo [a:firstline, a:lastline]
# Aborting functions
def SourceMyFile() abort
source my-file.vim
echo 'This will never be printed'
# Closures
def MakeAdder(x: number)
def Adder(n: number) closure
return n + x
return funcref('Adder')
var AddFive = MakeAdder(5)
echo AddFive(3) # Prints 8
# Dictionary functions
def Mylen() dict
return len(self.data)
var mydict = {'data': [0, 1, 2, 3], 'len': function("Mylen")}
echo mydict.len()
# Alternatively, more concise
var mydict = {'data': [0, 1, 2, 3]}
def mydict.len()
return len(self.data)
# Calling functions
var animals = keys({'cow': 'moo', 'dog': 'woof', 'cat': 'meow'})
# Call a function for its side effects only
call sign_undefine()
# The call() function
echo call(function('get'), [{'a': 1, 'b': 2}, 'c', 3]) # Prints 3
# Function namespaces
def foo#bar#log(value: string)
echomsg value
call foo#bar#log('Hello')
# #############################
# Frequently used ex-commands
# #############################
# Sourcing runtime files
runtime plugin/my-plugin.vim
# Defining new ex-commands
command! SwapAdjacentLines normal! ddp
command! -nargs=1 Error echoerr <args>
# Defining auto-commands
autocmd BufWritePost $MYVIMRC source $MYVIMRC
# Auto groups
augroup auto-source
autocmd BufWritePost $MYVIMRC source $MYVIMRC
augroup END
# Executing
var line = 3
execute line .. 'delete'
# Executing normal-mode commands
normal! ggddGp
# Window commands
wincmd L
# ###########################
# Frequently used functions
# ###########################
# Feature check
echo has('nvim')
echo has('python3')
echo has('unix')
echo has('win32')
# Test if something exists
echo exists('&mouse')
echo exists('+mouse')
echo exists('$HOSTNAME')
echo exists('*strftime')
echo exists('**s:MyFunc')
echo exists('bufcount')
echo exists('my_dict["foo"]')
echo exists(':Make')
echo exists("#CursorHold")
echo exists("#BufReadPre#*.gz")
echo exists("#filetypeindent")
echo exists("##ColorScheme")
# Various dynamic values
echo expand('%')
echo expand('<cword>')
echo expand('%:p')
# Type tests
echo type(my_var) == v:t_number
echo type(my_var) == v:t_string
echo type(my_var) == v:t_func
echo type(my_var) == v:t_list
echo type(my_var) == v:t_dict
echo type(my_var) == v:t_float
echo type(my_var) == v:t_bool
echo my_var is v:null
# Format strings
echo printf('%d in hexadecimal is %X', 123, 123)
# #####################
# Tricks of the trade
# #####################
# Source guard
if exists('g:loaded_my_plugin')
var g_loaded_my_plugin = true
# Default values
var greeting = get(g:, 'my_plugin_greeting', 'Hello')
Reference in New Issue
Block a user