# Contributing All contributions are welcome, from the tiniest typo to a brand new article. Translations in all languages are welcome (or, for that matter, original articles in any language). Send a pull request or open an issue any time of day or night. **Please prepend the tag `[language/lang-code]` to your issues and pull requests.** For example, `[python/en]` for English Python. This will help everyone pick out things they care about. We're happy for any contribution in any form, but if you're making more than one major change (i.e. translations for two different languages) it would be super cool of you to make a separate pull request for each one so that someone can review them more effectively and/or individually. ## Style Guidelines * **Keep lines under 80 chars** * Try to keep line length in code blocks to 80 characters or fewer. * Otherwise, the text will overflow and look odd. * This and other potential pitfalls to format the content consistently are identified by [markdownlint](https://github.com/markdownlint/markdownlint). * **Prefer example to exposition** * Try to use as few words as possible. * Code examples are preferred over exposition in all cases. * **Eschew surplusage** * We welcome newcomers, but the target audience for this site is programmers with some experience. * Try to avoid explaining basic concepts except for those specific to the language in question. * Keep articles succinct and scannable. We all know how to use Google here. * **Use UTF-8** ### Header configuration The actual site generates HTML files from these Markdown ones. The markdown files can contain extra metadata before the actual markdown, called frontmatter. The following fields are necessary for English articles about programming languages: * `name`: The human-readable name of the programming language * `contributors`: A list of [*author*, *URL*] lists to credit, *URL* is optional Other fields: * `category`: The category of the article. So far, can be one of *language*, *tool* or *Algorithms & Data Structures*. Defaults to *language* if omitted. * `filename`: The filename for this article's code. It will be fetched, mashed together, and made downloadable. Translations should also include: * `translators`: A list of [*translator*, *URL*] lists to credit, *URL* is optional Non-English articles inherit frontmatter values from the English article (if it exists) but you can overwrite them. Here's an example header for Ruby: ```yaml --- name: Ruby filename: learnruby.rb contributors: - ["Doktor Esperanto", "http://example.com/"] - ["Someone else", "http://someoneelseswebsite.com/"] --- ``` ### Syntax highlighter [Pygments](https://pygments.org/languages/) is used for syntax highlighting. ### Should I add myself as a contributor? If you want to add yourself to contributors, keep in mind that contributors get equal billing, and the first contributor usually wrote the whole article. Please use your judgment when deciding if your contribution constitutes a substantial addition or not. ## Building the site locally Install Python. On macOS this can be done with [Homebrew](https://brew.sh/). ```sh brew install python ``` Then clone two repos, install dependencies and run. ```sh # Clone website git clone https://github.com/adambard/learnxinyminutes-site # Clone docs (this repo) nested in website git clone https://github.com//learnxinyminutes-docs ./learnxinyminutes-site/source/docs/ # Install dependencies cd learnxinyminutes-site pip install -r requirements.txt # Run python build.py cd build python -m http.server # open http://localhost:8000/ in your browser of choice ```