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2025-01-01 04:04:39 +00:00
## Argo CD configuration
## Ref:
# -- Provide a name in place of `argocd`
nameOverride: argocd
# -- String to fully override `"argo-cd.fullname"`
fullnameOverride: ""
# -- Override the namespace
# @default -- `.Release.Namespace`
namespaceOverride: ""
# -- Override the Kubernetes version, which is used to evaluate certain manifests
kubeVersionOverride: ""
# Override APIVersions
# If you want to template helm charts but cannot access k8s API server
# you can set api versions here
apiVersionOverrides: {}
# -- Create aggregated roles that extend existing cluster roles to interact with argo-cd resources
## Ref:
createAggregateRoles: false
# -- Create cluster roles for cluster-wide installation.
## Used when you manage applications in the same cluster where Argo CD runs
createClusterRoles: true
# -- enables using arbitrary uid for argo repo server
enabled: false
## Custom resource configuration
# -- Install and upgrade CRDs
install: true
# -- Keep CRDs on chart uninstall
keep: true
# -- Annotations to be added to all CRDs
annotations: {}
# -- Addtional labels to be added to all CRDs
additionalLabels: {}
## Globally shared configuration
# -- Default domain used by all components
## Used for ingresses, certificates, SSO, notifications, etc.
# -- Runtime class name for all components
runtimeClassName: ""
# -- Common labels for the all resources
additionalLabels: {}
# app: argo-cd
# -- Number of old deployment ReplicaSets to retain. The rest will be garbage collected.
revisionHistoryLimit: 3
# Default image used by all components
# -- If defined, a repository applied to all Argo CD deployments
# -- Overrides the global Argo CD image tag whose default is the chart appVersion
tag: ""
# -- If defined, a imagePullPolicy applied to all Argo CD deployments
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
# -- Secrets with credentials to pull images from a private registry
imagePullSecrets: []
# Default logging options used by all components
# -- Set the global logging format. Either: `text` or `json`
format: text
# -- Set the global logging level. One of: `debug`, `info`, `warn` or `error`
level: info
# -- Annotations for the all deployed Statefulsets
statefulsetAnnotations: {}
# -- Annotations for the all deployed Deployments
deploymentAnnotations: {}
# -- Annotations for the all deployed pods
podAnnotations: {}
# -- Labels for the all deployed pods
podLabels: {}
# -- Add Prometheus scrape annotations to all metrics services. This can be used as an alternative to the ServiceMonitors.
addPrometheusAnnotations: false
# -- Toggle and define pod-level security context.
# @default -- `{}` (See [values.yaml])
securityContext: {}
# runAsUser: 999
# runAsGroup: 999
# fsGroup: 999
# -- Mapping between IP and hostnames that will be injected as entries in the pod's hosts files
hostAliases: []
# - ip:
# hostnames:
# - git.myhostname
# Configure dual-stack used by all component services
# -- IP family policy to configure dual-stack see [Configure dual-stack](
ipFamilyPolicy: ""
# -- IP families that should be supported and the order in which they should be applied to ClusterIP as well. Can be IPv4 and/or IPv6.
ipFamilies: []
# Default network policy rules used by all components
# -- Create NetworkPolicy objects for all components
create: false
# -- Default deny all ingress traffic
defaultDenyIngress: false
# -- Default priority class for all components
priorityClassName: ""
# -- Default node selector for all components
nodeSelector: {}
# -- Default tolerations for all components
tolerations: []
# Default affinity preset for all components
# -- Default pod anti-affinity rules. Either: `none`, `soft` or `hard`
podAntiAffinity: soft
# Node affinity rules
# -- Default node affinity rules. Either: `none`, `soft` or `hard`
type: hard
# -- Default match expressions for node affinity
matchExpressions: []
# - key:
# operator: In
# values:
# - antarctica-east1
# - antarctica-west1
# -- Default [TopologySpreadConstraints] rules for all components
## Ref:
## If labelSelector is left out, it will default to the labelSelector of the component
topologySpreadConstraints: []
# - maxSkew: 1
# topologyKey:
# whenUnsatisfiable: DoNotSchedule
# -- Deployment strategy for the all deployed Deployments
deploymentStrategy: {}
# type: RollingUpdate
# rollingUpdate:
# maxSurge: 25%
# maxUnavailable: 25%
# -- Environment variables to pass to all deployed Deployments
env: []
# -- Annotations for the all deployed Certificates
certificateAnnotations: {}
## Argo Configs
# General Argo CD configuration
## Ref:
# -- Create the argocd-cm configmap for [declarative setup]
create: true
# -- Annotations to be added to argocd-cm configmap
annotations: {}
# -- The name of tracking label used by Argo CD for resource pruning
# -- Enable logs RBAC enforcement
## Ref:
server.rbac.log.enforce.enable: false
# -- Enable exec feature in Argo UI
## Ref:
exec.enabled: false
# -- Enable local admin user
## Ref:
admin.enabled: true
# -- Timeout to discover if a new manifests version got published to the repository
timeout.reconciliation: 180s
# -- Timeout to refresh application data as well as target manifests cache
timeout.hard.reconciliation: 0s
# -- Enable Status Badge
## Ref:
statusbadge.enabled: false
# Dex configuration
# dex.config: |
# connectors:
# # GitHub example
# - type: github
# id: github
# name: GitHub
# config:
# clientID: aabbccddeeff00112233
# clientSecret: $dex.github.clientSecret # Alternatively $<some_K8S_secret>:dex.github.clientSecret
# orgs:
# - name: your-github-org
# OIDC configuration as an alternative to dex (optional).
# oidc.config: |
# name: AzureAD
# issuer:
# clientID: CLIENT_ID
# clientSecret: $oidc.azuread.clientSecret
# rootCA: |
# ... encoded certificate data here ...
# requestedIDTokenClaims:
# groups:
# essential: true
# requestedScopes:
# - openid
# - profile
# - email
# Extension Configuration
## Ref:
# extension.config: |
# extensions:
# - name: httpbin
# backend:
# connectionTimeout: 2s
# keepAlive: 15s
# idleConnectionTimeout: 60s
# maxIdleConnections: 30
# services:
# - url:
# headers:
# - name: some-header
# value: '$some.argocd.secret.key'
# cluster:
# name: some-cluster
# server: https://some-cluster
# Argo CD configuration parameters
## Ref:
# -- Create the argocd-cmd-params-cm configmap
# If false, it is expected the configmap will be created by something else.
create: true
# -- Annotations to be added to the argocd-cmd-params-cm ConfigMap
annotations: {}
## Generic parameters
# -- Open-Telemetry collector address: (e.g. "otel-collector:4317")
otlp.address: ''
## Controller Properties
# -- Number of application status processors
controller.status.processors: 20
# -- Number of application operation processors
controller.operation.processors: 10
# -- Specifies timeout between application self heal attempts
controller.self.heal.timeout.seconds: 5
# -- Repo server RPC call timeout seconds.
controller.repo.server.timeout.seconds: 60
## Server properties
# -- Run server without TLS
## NOTE: This value should be set when you generate params by other means as it changes ports used by ingress template.
server.insecure: false
# -- Value for base href in index.html. Used if Argo CD is running behind reverse proxy under subpath different from /
server.basehref: /
# -- Used if Argo CD is running behind reverse proxy under subpath different from /
server.rootpath: ''
# -- Directory path that contains additional static assets
server.staticassets: /shared/app
# -- Disable Argo CD RBAC for user authentication
server.disable.auth: false
# -- Enable GZIP compression
server.enable.gzip: true
# -- Enable proxy extension feature. (proxy extension is in Alpha phase)
server.enable.proxy.extension: false
# -- Set X-Frame-Options header in HTTP responses to value. To disable, set to "".
server.x.frame.options: sameorigin
## Repo-server properties
# -- Limit on number of concurrent manifests generate requests. Any value less the 1 means no limit.
reposerver.parallelism.limit: 0
## ApplicationSet Properties
# -- Modify how application is synced between the generator and the cluster. One of: `sync`, `create-only`, `create-update`, `create-delete`
applicationsetcontroller.policy: sync
# -- Enables use of the Progressive Syncs capability false
# -- A list of glob patterns specifying where to look for ApplicationSet resources. (e.g. `"argocd,argocd-appsets-*"`)
# @default -- `""` (default is only the ns where the controller is installed)
## For more information:
applicationsetcontroller.namespaces: ""
# -- Enables [Applications in any namespace]
## List of additional namespaces where applications may be created in and reconciled from.
## The namespace where Argo CD is installed to will always be allowed.
## Set comma-separated list. (e.g. app-team-one, app-team-two)
application.namespaces: ""
# -- JQ Path expression timeout
## By default, the evaluation of a JQPathExpression is limited to one second.
## If you encounter a "JQ patch execution timed out" error message due to a complex JQPathExpression
## that requires more time to evaluate, you can extend the timeout period.
controller.ignore.normalizer.jq.timeout: "1s"
# Argo CD RBAC policy configuration
## Ref:
# -- Create the argocd-rbac-cm configmap with ([Argo CD RBAC policy]) definitions.
# If false, it is expected the configmap will be created by something else.
# Argo CD will not work if there is no configmap created with the name above.
create: true
# -- Annotations to be added to argocd-rbac-cm configmap
annotations: {}
# -- The name of the default role which Argo CD will falls back to, when authorizing API requests (optional).
# If omitted or empty, users may be still be able to login, but will see no apps, projects, etc...
policy.default: ''
# -- File containing user-defined policies and role definitions.
# @default -- `''` (See [values.yaml])
policy.csv: ''
# Policy rules are in the form:
# p, subject, resource, action, object, effect
# Role definitions and bindings are in the form:
# g, subject, inherited-subject
# policy.csv: |
# p, role:org-admin, applications, *, */*, allow
# p, role:org-admin, clusters, get, *, allow
# p, role:org-admin, repositories, *, *, allow
# p, role:org-admin, logs, get, *, allow
# p, role:org-admin, exec, create, */*, allow
# g, your-github-org:your-team, role:org-admin
# -- OIDC scopes to examine during rbac enforcement (in addition to `sub` scope).
# The scope value can be a string, or a list of strings.
scopes: "[groups]"
# -- Matcher function for Casbin, `glob` for glob matcher and `regex` for regex matcher.
policy.matchMode: "glob"
# GnuPG public keys for commit verification
## Ref:
# -- Annotations to be added to argocd-gpg-keys-cm configmap
annotations: {}
# -- [GnuPG] public keys to add to the keyring
# @default -- `{}` (See [values.yaml])
## Note: Public keys should be exported with `gpg --export --armor <KEY>`
keys: {}
# 4AEE18F83AFDEB23: |
# ...
# SSH known hosts for Git repositories
## Ref:
# -- Specifies if the argocd-ssh-known-hosts-cm configmap should be created by Helm.
create: true
# -- Annotations to be added to argocd-ssh-known-hosts-cm configmap
annotations: {}
# -- Known hosts to be added to the known host list by default.
# @default -- See [values.yaml]
knownHosts: |
[]:443 ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBEmKSENjQEezOmxkZMy7opKgwFB9nkt5YRrYMjNuG5N87uRgg6CLrbo5wAdT/y6v0mKV0U2w0WZ2YB/++Tpockg=
[]:443 ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIOMqqnkVzrm0SdG6UOoqKLsabgH5C9okWi0dh2l9GKJl
[]:443 ssh-rsa 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 ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBPIQmuzMBuKdWeF4+a2sjSSpBK0iqitSQ+5BM9KhpexuGt20JpTVM7u5BDZngncgrqDMbWdxMWWOGtZ9UgbqgZE= ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIIazEu89wgQZ4bqs3d63QSMzYVa0MuJ2e2gKTKqu+UUO ssh-rsa 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 ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBEmKSENjQEezOmxkZMy7opKgwFB9nkt5YRrYMjNuG5N87uRgg6CLrbo5wAdT/y6v0mKV0U2w0WZ2YB/++Tpockg= ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIOMqqnkVzrm0SdG6UOoqKLsabgH5C9okWi0dh2l9GKJl ssh-rsa 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 ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBFSMqzJeV9rUzU4kWitGjeR4PWSa29SPqJ1fVkhtj3Hw9xjLVXVYrU9QlYWrOLXBpQ6KWjbjTDTdDkoohFzgbEY= ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIAfuCHKVTjquxvt6CM6tdG4SLp1Btn/nOeHHE5UOzRdf ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCsj2bNKTBSpIYDEGk9KxsGh3mySTRgMtXL583qmBpzeQ+jqCMRgBqB98u3z++J1sKlXHWfM9dyhSevkMwSbhoR8XIq/U0tCNyokEi/ueaBMCvbcTHhO7FcwzY92WK4Yt0aGROY5qX2UKSeOvuP4D6TPqKF1onrSzH9bx9XUf2lEdWT/ia1NEKjunUqu1xOB/StKDHMoX4/OKyIzuS0q/T1zOATthvasJFoPrAjkohTyaDUz2LN5JoH839hViyEG82yB+MjcFV5MU3N1l1QL3cVUCh93xSaua1N85qivl+siMkPGbO5xR/En4iEY6K2XPASUEMaieWVNTRCtJ4S8H+9 ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC7Hr1oTWqNqOlzGJOfGJ4NakVyIzf1rXYd4d7wo6jBlkLvCA4odBlL0mDUyZ0/QUfTTqeu+tm22gOsv+VrVTMk6vwRU75gY/y9ut5Mb3bR5BV58dKXyq9A9UeB5Cakehn5Zgm6x1mKoVyf+FFn26iYqXJRgzIZZcZ5V6hrE0Qg39kZm4az48o0AUbf6Sp4SLdvnuMa2sVNwHBboS7EJkm57XQPVU3/QpyNLHbWDdzwtrlS+ez30S3AdYhLKEOxAG8weOnyrtLJAUen9mTkol8oII1edf7mWWbWVf0nBmly21+nZcmCTISQBtdcyPaEno7fFQMDD26/s0lfKob4Kw8H ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC7Hr1oTWqNqOlzGJOfGJ4NakVyIzf1rXYd4d7wo6jBlkLvCA4odBlL0mDUyZ0/QUfTTqeu+tm22gOsv+VrVTMk6vwRU75gY/y9ut5Mb3bR5BV58dKXyq9A9UeB5Cakehn5Zgm6x1mKoVyf+FFn26iYqXJRgzIZZcZ5V6hrE0Qg39kZm4az48o0AUbf6Sp4SLdvnuMa2sVNwHBboS7EJkm57XQPVU3/QpyNLHbWDdzwtrlS+ez30S3AdYhLKEOxAG8weOnyrtLJAUen9mTkol8oII1edf7mWWbWVf0nBmly21+nZcmCTISQBtdcyPaEno7fFQMDD26/s0lfKob4Kw8H
# -- Additional known hosts for private repositories
extraHosts: ''
# Repository TLS certificates
# Ref:
# -- Annotations to be added to argocd-tls-certs-cm configmap
annotations: {}
# -- TLS certificates for Git repositories
# @default -- `{}` (See [values.yaml])
certificates: {}
# |
# ...
# ConfigMap for Config Management Plugins
# Ref:
# -- Create the argocd-cmp-cm configmap
create: false
# -- Annotations to be added to argocd-cmp-cm configmap
annotations: {}
# -- Plugin yaml files to be added to argocd-cmp-cm
plugins: {}
# --- First plugin
# my-plugin:
# init:
# command: [sh]
# args: [-c, 'echo "Initializing..."']
# generate:
# command: [sh, -c]
# args:
# - |
# echo "{\"kind\": \"ConfigMap\", \"apiVersion\": \"v1\", \"metadata\": { \"name\": \"$ARGOCD_APP_NAME\", \"namespace\": \"$ARGOCD_APP_NAMESPACE\", \"annotations\": {\"Foo\": \"$ARGOCD_ENV_FOO\", \"KubeVersion\": \"$KUBE_VERSION\", \"KubeApiVersion\": \"$KUBE_API_VERSIONS\",\"Bar\": \"baz\"}}}"
# discover:
# fileName: "./subdir/s*.yaml"
# find:
# glob: "**/Chart.yaml"
# command: [sh, -c, find . -name env.yaml]
# --- Second plugin
# my-plugin2:
# init:
# command: [sh]
# args: [-c, 'echo "Initializing..."']
# generate:
# command: [sh, -c]
# args:
# - |
# echo "{\"kind\": \"ConfigMap\", \"apiVersion\": \"v1\", \"metadata\": { \"name\": \"$ARGOCD_APP_NAME\", \"namespace\": \"$ARGOCD_APP_NAMESPACE\", \"annotations\": {\"Foo\": \"$ARGOCD_ENV_FOO\", \"KubeVersion\": \"$KUBE_VERSION\", \"KubeApiVersion\": \"$KUBE_API_VERSIONS\",\"Bar\": \"baz\"}}}"
# discover:
# fileName: "./subdir/s*.yaml"
# find:
# glob: "**/Chart.yaml"
# command: [sh, -c, find . -name env.yaml]
# -- Provide one or multiple [external cluster credentials]
# @default -- `{}` (See [values.yaml])
## Ref:
## -
## -
## -
clusterCredentials: {}
# mycluster:
# server:
# labels: {}
# annotations: {}
# config:
# bearerToken: "<authentication token>"
# tlsClientConfig:
# insecure: false
# caData: "<base64 encoded certificate>"
# mycluster2:
# server:
# labels: {}
# annotations: {}
# namespaces: namespace1,namespace2
# clusterResources: true
# config:
# bearerToken: "<authentication token>"
# tlsClientConfig:
# insecure: false
# caData: "<base64 encoded certificate>"
# mycluster3-project-scoped:
# server:
# labels: {}
# annotations: {}
# project: my-project1
# config:
# bearerToken: "<authentication token>"
# tlsClientConfig:
# insecure: false
# caData: "<base64 encoded certificate>"
# mycluster4-sharded:
# shard: 1
# server:
# labels: {}
# annotations: {}
# config:
# bearerToken: "<authentication token>"
# tlsClientConfig:
# insecure: false
# caData: "<base64 encoded certificate>"
# -- Repository credentials to be used as Templates for other repos
## Creates a secret for each key/value specified below to create repository credentials
credentialTemplates: {}
# github-enterprise-creds-1:
# url:
# githubAppID: 1
# githubAppInstallationID: 2
# githubAppEnterpriseBaseUrl:
# githubAppPrivateKey: |
# ...
# https-creds:
# url:
# password: my-password
# username: my-username
# ssh-creds:
# url:
# sshPrivateKey: |
# ...
# -- Annotations to be added to `configs.credentialTemplates` Secret
credentialTemplatesAnnotations: {}
# -- Repositories list to be used by applications
## Creates a secret for each key/value specified below to create repositories
## Note: the last example in the list would use a repository credential template, configured under "configs.credentialTemplates".
repositories: {}
# istio-helm-repo:
# url:
# name:
# type: helm
# private-helm-repo:
# url: https://my-private-chart-repo.internal
# name: private-repo
# type: helm
# password: my-password
# username: my-username
# private-repo:
# url:
# -- Annotations to be added to `configs.repositories` Secret
repositoriesAnnotations: {}
# Argo CD sensitive data
# Ref:
# -- Create the argocd-secret
createSecret: true
# -- Labels to be added to argocd-secret
labels: {}
# -- Annotations to be added to argocd-secret
annotations: {}
# -- Shared secret for authenticating GitHub webhook events
githubSecret: ""
# -- Shared secret for authenticating GitLab webhook events
gitlabSecret: ""
# -- Shared secret for authenticating BitbucketServer webhook events
bitbucketServerSecret: ""
# -- UUID for authenticating Bitbucket webhook events
bitbucketUUID: ""
# -- Shared secret for authenticating Gogs webhook events
gogsSecret: ""
## Azure DevOps
# -- Shared secret username for authenticating Azure DevOps webhook events
username: ""
# -- Shared secret password for authenticating Azure DevOps webhook events
password: ""
# -- add additional secrets to be added to argocd-secret
## Custom secrets. Useful for injecting SSO secrets into environment variables.
## Ref:
## Note that all values must be non-empty.
# LDAP_PASSWORD: "mypassword"
# -- Bcrypt hashed admin password
## Argo expects the password in the secret to be bcrypt hashed. You can create this hash with
## `htpasswd -nbBC 10 "" $ARGO_PWD | tr -d ':\n' | sed 's/$2y/$2a/'`
argocdServerAdminPassword: ""
# -- Admin password modification time. Eg. `"2006-01-02T15:04:05Z"`
# @default -- `""` (defaults to current time)
argocdServerAdminPasswordMtime: ""
# -- Define custom [CSS styles] for your argo instance.
# This setting will automatically mount the provided CSS and reference it in the argo configuration.
# @default -- `""` (See [values.yaml])
## Ref:
styles: ""
# styles: |
# .sidebar {
# background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #999, #777, #333, #222, #111);
# }
# -- Array of extra K8s manifests to deploy
## Note: Supports use of custom Helm templates
extraObjects: []
# - apiVersion:
# kind: SecretProviderClass
# metadata:
# name: argocd-secrets-store
# spec:
# provider: aws
# parameters:
# objects: |
# - objectName: "argocd"
# objectType: "secretsmanager"
# jmesPath:
# - path: "client_id"
# objectAlias: "client_id"
# - path: "client_secret"
# objectAlias: "client_secret"
# secretObjects:
# - data:
# - key: client_id
# objectName: client_id
# - key: client_secret
# objectName: client_secret
# secretName: argocd-secrets-store
# type: Opaque
# labels:
# argocd
## Application controller
# -- Application controller name string
name: application-controller
# -- The number of application controller pods to run.
# Additional replicas will cause sharding of managed clusters across number of replicas.
## With dynamic cluster distribution turned on, sharding of the clusters will gracefully
## rebalance if the number of replica's changes or one becomes unhealthy. (alpha)
replicas: 1
# -- Enable dynamic cluster distribution (alpha)
# Ref:
## This is done using a deployment instead of a statefulSet
## When replicas are added or removed, the sharding algorithm is re-run to ensure that the
## clusters are distributed according to the algorithm. If the algorithm is well-balanced,
## like round-robin, then the shards will be well-balanced.
dynamicClusterDistribution: false
# -- Runtime class name for the application controller
# @default -- `""` (defaults to global.runtimeClassName)
runtimeClassName: ""
# -- Application controller heartbeat time
# Ref:
heartbeatTime: 10
# -- Maximum number of controller revisions that will be maintained in StatefulSet history
revisionHistoryLimit: 5
## Application controller Pod Disruption Budget
## Ref:
# -- Deploy a [PodDisruptionBudget] for the application controller
enabled: false
# -- Labels to be added to application controller pdb
labels: {}
# -- Annotations to be added to application controller pdb
annotations: {}
# -- Number of pods that are available after eviction as number or percentage (eg.: 50%)
# @default -- `""` (defaults to 0 if not specified)
minAvailable: ""
# -- Number of pods that are unavailable after eviction as number or percentage (eg.: 50%).
## Has higher precedence over `controller.pdb.minAvailable`
maxUnavailable: ""
## Application controller image
# -- Repository to use for the application controller
# @default -- `""` (defaults to global.image.repository)
repository: ""
# -- Tag to use for the application controller
# @default -- `""` (defaults to global.image.tag)
tag: ""
# -- Image pull policy for the application controller
# @default -- `""` (defaults to global.image.imagePullPolicy)
imagePullPolicy: ""
# -- Secrets with credentials to pull images from a private registry
# @default -- `[]` (defaults to global.imagePullSecrets)
imagePullSecrets: []
# -- Additional command line arguments to pass to application controller
extraArgs: []
# -- Environment variables to pass to application controller
env: []
# -- envFrom to pass to application controller
# @default -- `[]` (See [values.yaml])
envFrom: []
# - configMapRef:
# name: config-map-name
# - secretRef:
# name: secret-name
# -- Additional containers to be added to the application controller pod
## Note: Supports use of custom Helm templates
extraContainers: []
# -- Init containers to add to the application controller pod
## If your target Kubernetes cluster(s) require a custom credential (exec) plugin
## you could use this (and the same in the server pod) to provide such executable
## Ref:
## Note: Supports use of custom Helm templates
initContainers: []
# - name: download-tools
# image: alpine:3
# command: [sh, -c]
# args:
# - wget -qO &&
# unzip && mv bin/linux_amd64/kubelogin /custom-tools/
# volumeMounts:
# - mountPath: /custom-tools
# name: custom-tools
# -- Additional volumeMounts to the application controller main container
volumeMounts: []
# - mountPath: /usr/local/bin/kubelogin
# name: custom-tools
# subPath: kubelogin
# -- Additional volumes to the application controller pod
volumes: []
# - name: custom-tools
# emptyDir: {}
## Application controller emptyDir volumes
# -- EmptyDir size limit for application controller
# @default -- `""` (defaults not set if not specified i.e. no size limit)
sizeLimit: ""
# sizeLimit: "1Gi"
# -- Annotations for the application controller StatefulSet
statefulsetAnnotations: {}
# -- Annotations for the application controller Deployment
deploymentAnnotations: {}
# -- Annotations to be added to application controller pods
podAnnotations: {}
# -- Labels to be added to application controller pods
podLabels: {}
# -- Resource limits and requests for the application controller pods
resources: {}
# limits:
# cpu: 500m
# memory: 512Mi
# requests:
# cpu: 250m
# memory: 256Mi
# Application controller container ports
# -- Metrics container port
metrics: 8082
# -- Host Network for application controller pods
hostNetwork: false
# -- [DNS configuration]
dnsConfig: {}
# -- Alternative DNS policy for application controller pods
dnsPolicy: "ClusterFirst"
# -- Application controller container-level security context
# @default -- See [values.yaml]
runAsNonRoot: true
readOnlyRootFilesystem: true
allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
type: RuntimeDefault
# Readiness probe for application controller
## Ref:
# -- Minimum consecutive failures for the [probe] to be considered failed after having succeeded
failureThreshold: 3
# -- Number of seconds after the container has started before [probe] is initiated
initialDelaySeconds: 10
# -- How often (in seconds) to perform the [probe]
periodSeconds: 10
# -- Minimum consecutive successes for the [probe] to be considered successful after having failed
successThreshold: 1
# -- Number of seconds after which the [probe] times out
timeoutSeconds: 1
# -- terminationGracePeriodSeconds for container lifecycle hook
terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 30
# -- Priority class for the application controller pods
# @default -- `""` (defaults to global.priorityClassName)
priorityClassName: ""
# -- [Node selector]
# @default -- `{}` (defaults to global.nodeSelector)
nodeSelector: {}
# -- [Tolerations] for use with node taints
# @default -- `[]` (defaults to global.tolerations)
tolerations: []
# -- Assign custom [affinity] rules to the deployment
# @default -- `{}` (defaults to global.affinity preset)
affinity: {}
# -- Assign custom [TopologySpreadConstraints] rules to the application controller
# @default -- `[]` (defaults to global.topologySpreadConstraints)
## Ref:
## If labelSelector is left out, it will default to the labelSelector configuration of the deployment
topologySpreadConstraints: []
# - maxSkew: 1
# topologyKey:
# whenUnsatisfiable: DoNotSchedule
# -- Automount API credentials for the Service Account into the pod.
automountServiceAccountToken: true
# -- Create a service account for the application controller
create: true
# -- Service account name
name: argocd-application-controller
# -- Annotations applied to created service account
annotations: {}
# -- Labels applied to created service account
labels: {}
# -- Automount API credentials for the Service Account
automountServiceAccountToken: true
## Application controller metrics configuration
# -- Deploy metrics service
enabled: false
# -- Prometheus ServiceMonitor scrapeTimeout. If empty, Prometheus uses the global scrape timeout unless it is less than the target's scrape interval value in which the latter is used.
scrapeTimeout: ""
# -- Enables additional labels in argocd_app_labels metric
enabled: false
# -- Additional labels
labels: []
# -- Metrics service type
type: ClusterIP
# -- Metrics service clusterIP. `None` makes a "headless service" (no virtual IP)
clusterIP: ""
# -- Metrics service annotations
annotations: {}
# -- Metrics service labels
labels: {}
# -- Metrics service port
servicePort: 8082
# -- Metrics service port name
portName: http-metrics
# -- Enable a prometheus ServiceMonitor
enabled: false
# -- Prometheus ServiceMonitor interval
interval: 30s
# -- When true, honorLabels preserves the metrics labels when they collide with the targets labels.
honorLabels: false
# -- Prometheus [RelabelConfigs] to apply to samples before scraping
relabelings: []
# -- Prometheus [MetricRelabelConfigs] to apply to samples before ingestion
metricRelabelings: []
# -- Prometheus ServiceMonitor selector
selector: {}
# prometheus: kube-prometheus
# -- Prometheus ServiceMonitor scheme
scheme: ""
# -- Prometheus ServiceMonitor tlsConfig
tlsConfig: {}
# -- Prometheus ServiceMonitor namespace
namespace: "" # "monitoring"
# -- Prometheus ServiceMonitor labels
additionalLabels: {}
# -- Prometheus ServiceMonitor annotations
annotations: {}
# -- Deploy a PrometheusRule for the application controller
enabled: false
# -- PrometheusRule namespace
namespace: "" # "monitoring"
# -- PrometheusRule selector
selector: {}
# prometheus: kube-prometheus
# -- PrometheusRule labels
additionalLabels: {}
# -- PrometheusRule annotations
annotations: {}
# -- PrometheusRule.Spec for the application controller
spec: []
# - alert: ArgoAppMissing
# expr: |
# absent(argocd_app_info) == 1
# for: 15m
# labels:
# severity: critical
# annotations:
# summary: "[Argo CD] No reported applications"
# description: >
# Argo CD has not reported any applications data for the past 15 minutes which
# means that it must be down or not functioning properly. This needs to be
# resolved for this cloud to continue to maintain state.
# - alert: ArgoAppNotSynced
# expr: |
# argocd_app_info{sync_status!="Synced"} == 1
# for: 12h
# labels:
# severity: warning
# annotations:
# summary: "[{{`{{$}}`}}] Application not synchronized"
# description: >
# The application [{{`{{$}}`}} has not been synchronized for over
# 12 hours which means that the state of this cloud has drifted away from the
# state inside Git.
## Enable this and set the rules: to whatever custom rules you want for the Cluster Role resource.
## Defaults to off
# -- Enable custom rules for the application controller's ClusterRole resource
enabled: false
# -- List of custom rules for the application controller's ClusterRole resource
rules: []
## Dex
# -- Enable dex
enabled: true
# -- Dex name
name: dex-server
# -- Additional command line arguments to pass to the Dex server
extraArgs: []
# -- Runtime class name for Dex
# @default -- `""` (defaults to global.runtimeClassName)
runtimeClassName: ""
# -- Deploy metrics service
enabled: false
# -- Metrics service annotations
annotations: {}
# -- Metrics service labels
labels: {}
# -- Metrics service port name
portName: http-metrics
# -- Enable a prometheus ServiceMonitor
enabled: false
# -- Prometheus ServiceMonitor interval
interval: 30s
# -- When true, honorLabels preserves the metrics labels when they collide with the targets labels.
honorLabels: false
# -- Prometheus [RelabelConfigs] to apply to samples before scraping
relabelings: []
# -- Prometheus [MetricRelabelConfigs] to apply to samples before ingestion
metricRelabelings: []
# -- Prometheus ServiceMonitor selector
selector: {}
# prometheus: kube-prometheus
# -- Prometheus ServiceMonitor scheme
scheme: ""
# -- Prometheus ServiceMonitor tlsConfig
tlsConfig: {}
# -- Prometheus ServiceMonitor namespace
namespace: "" # "monitoring"
# -- Prometheus ServiceMonitor labels
additionalLabels: {}
# -- Prometheus ServiceMonitor annotations
annotations: {}
## Dex Pod Disruption Budget
## Ref:
# -- Deploy a [PodDisruptionBudget] for the Dex server
enabled: false
# -- Labels to be added to Dex server pdb
labels: {}
# -- Annotations to be added to Dex server pdb
annotations: {}
# -- Number of pods that are available after eviction as number or percentage (eg.: 50%)
# @default -- `""` (defaults to 0 if not specified)
minAvailable: ""
# -- Number of pods that are unavailble after eviction as number or percentage (eg.: 50%).
## Has higher precedence over `dex.pdb.minAvailable`
maxUnavailable: ""
## Dex image
# -- Dex image repository
# -- Dex image tag
tag: v2.41.1
# -- Dex imagePullPolicy
# @default -- `""` (defaults to global.image.imagePullPolicy)
imagePullPolicy: ""
# -- Secrets with credentials to pull images from a private registry
# @default -- `[]` (defaults to global.imagePullSecrets)
imagePullSecrets: []
# Argo CD init image that creates Dex config
# -- Argo CD init image repository
# @default -- `""` (defaults to global.image.repository)
repository: ""
# -- Argo CD init image tag
# @default -- `""` (defaults to global.image.tag)
tag: ""
# -- Argo CD init image imagePullPolicy
# @default -- `""` (defaults to global.image.imagePullPolicy)
imagePullPolicy: ""
# -- Argo CD init image resources
# @default -- `{}` (defaults to dex.resources)
resources: {}
# requests:
# cpu: 5m
# memory: 96Mi
# limits:
# cpu: 10m
# memory: 144Mi
# -- Environment variables to pass to the Dex server
env: []
# -- envFrom to pass to the Dex server
# @default -- `[]` (See [values.yaml])
envFrom: []
# - configMapRef:
# name: config-map-name
# - secretRef:
# name: secret-name
# -- Additional containers to be added to the dex pod
## Note: Supports use of custom Helm templates
extraContainers: []
# -- Init containers to add to the dex pod
## Note: Supports use of custom Helm templates
initContainers: []
# -- Additional volumeMounts to the dex main container
volumeMounts: []
# -- Additional volumes to the dex pod
volumes: []
## Dex server emptyDir volumes
# -- EmptyDir size limit for Dex server
# @default -- `""` (defaults not set if not specified i.e. no size limit)
sizeLimit: ""
# sizeLimit: "1Gi"
# TLS certificate configuration via Secret
## Ref:
## Note: Issuing certificates via cert-manager in not supported right now because it's not possible to restart Dex automatically without extra controllers.
# -- Create argocd-dex-server-tls secret
enabled: false
# -- Labels to be added to argocd-dex-server-tls secret
labels: {}
# -- Annotations to be added to argocd-dex-server-tls secret
annotations: {}
# -- Certificate authority. Required for self-signed certificates.
ca: ''
# -- Certificate private key
key: ''
# -- Certificate data. Must contain SANs of Dex service (ie: argocd-dex-server, argocd-dex-server.argo-cd.svc)
crt: ''
# -- Annotations to be added to the Dex server Deployment
deploymentAnnotations: {}
# -- Annotations to be added to the Dex server pods
podAnnotations: {}
# -- Labels to be added to the Dex server pods
podLabels: {}
# -- Resource limits and requests for dex
resources: {}
# limits:
# cpu: 50m
# memory: 64Mi
# requests:
# cpu: 10m
# memory: 32Mi
# Dex container ports
# NOTE: These ports are currently hardcoded and cannot be changed
# -- HTTP container port
http: 5556
# -- gRPC container port
grpc: 5557
# -- Metrics container port
metrics: 5558
# -- [DNS configuration]
dnsConfig: {}
# -- Alternative DNS policy for Dex server pods
dnsPolicy: "ClusterFirst"
# -- Dex container-level security context
# @default -- See [values.yaml]
runAsNonRoot: true
readOnlyRootFilesystem: true
allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
type: RuntimeDefault
## Probes for Dex server
## Supported from Dex >= 2.28.0
# -- Enable Kubernetes liveness probe for Dex >= 2.28.0
enabled: false
# -- Http path to use for the liveness probe
httpPath: /healthz/live
# -- Http port to use for the liveness probe
httpPort: metrics
# -- Scheme to use for for the liveness probe (can be HTTP or HTTPS)
httpScheme: HTTP
# -- Minimum consecutive failures for the [probe] to be considered failed after having succeeded
failureThreshold: 3
# -- Number of seconds after the container has started before [probe] is initiated
initialDelaySeconds: 10
# -- How often (in seconds) to perform the [probe]
periodSeconds: 10
# -- Minimum consecutive successes for the [probe] to be considered successful after having failed
successThreshold: 1
# -- Number of seconds after which the [probe] times out
timeoutSeconds: 1
# -- Enable Kubernetes readiness probe for Dex >= 2.28.0
enabled: false
# -- Http path to use for the readiness probe
httpPath: /healthz/ready
# -- Http port to use for the readiness probe
httpPort: metrics
# -- Scheme to use for for the liveness probe (can be HTTP or HTTPS)
httpScheme: HTTP
# -- Minimum consecutive failures for the [probe] to be considered failed after having succeeded
failureThreshold: 3
# -- Number of seconds after the container has started before [probe] is initiated
initialDelaySeconds: 10
# -- How often (in seconds) to perform the [probe]
periodSeconds: 10
# -- Minimum consecutive successes for the [probe] to be considered successful after having failed
successThreshold: 1
# -- Number of seconds after which the [probe] times out
timeoutSeconds: 1
# -- terminationGracePeriodSeconds for container lifecycle hook
terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 30
# -- Automount API credentials for the Service Account into the pod.
automountServiceAccountToken: true
# -- Create dex service account
create: true
# -- Dex service account name
name: argocd-dex-server
# -- Annotations applied to created service account
annotations: {}
# -- Automount API credentials for the Service Account
automountServiceAccountToken: true
# -- Service port for HTTP access
servicePortHttp: 5556
# -- Service port name for HTTP access
servicePortHttpName: http
# -- Service port for gRPC access
servicePortGrpc: 5557
# -- Service port name for gRPC access
servicePortGrpcName: grpc
# -- Service port for metrics access
servicePortMetrics: 5558
# -- Priority class for the dex pods
# @default -- `""` (defaults to global.priorityClassName)
priorityClassName: ""
# -- [Node selector]
# @default -- `{}` (defaults to global.nodeSelector)
nodeSelector: {}
# -- [Tolerations] for use with node taints
# @default -- `[]` (defaults to global.tolerations)
tolerations: []
# -- Assign custom [affinity] rules to the deployment
# @default -- `{}` (defaults to global.affinity preset)
affinity: {}
# -- Assign custom [TopologySpreadConstraints] rules to dex
# @default -- `[]` (defaults to global.topologySpreadConstraints)
## Ref:
## If labelSelector is left out, it will default to the labelSelector configuration of the deployment
topologySpreadConstraints: []
# - maxSkew: 1
# topologyKey:
# whenUnsatisfiable: DoNotSchedule
# -- Deployment strategy to be added to the Dex server Deployment
deploymentStrategy: {}
# type: RollingUpdate
# rollingUpdate:
# maxSurge: 25%
# maxUnavailable: 25%
# -- Dex log format. Either `text` or `json`
# @default -- `""` (defaults to global.logging.format)
logFormat: ""
# -- Dex log level. One of: `debug`, `info`, `warn`, `error`
# @default -- `""` (defaults to global.logging.level)
logLevel: ""
## Redis
# -- Enable redis
enabled: true
# -- Redis name
name: redis
# -- Runtime class name for redis
# @default -- `""` (defaults to global.runtimeClassName)
runtimeClassName: ""
## Redis Pod Disruption Budget
## Ref:
# -- Deploy a [PodDisruptionBudget] for the Redis
enabled: false
# -- Labels to be added to Redis pdb
labels: {}
# -- Annotations to be added to Redis pdb
annotations: {}
# -- Number of pods that are available after eviction as number or percentage (eg.: 50%)
# @default -- `""` (defaults to 0 if not specified)
minAvailable: ""
# -- Number of pods that are unavailble after eviction as number or percentage (eg.: 50%).
## Has higher precedence over `redis.pdb.minAvailable`
maxUnavailable: ""
## Redis image
# -- Redis repository
# -- Redis tag
tag: 7.4.1-alpine
# -- Redis image pull policy
# @default -- `""` (defaults to global.image.imagePullPolicy)
imagePullPolicy: ""
## Prometheus redis-exporter sidecar
# -- Enable Prometheus redis-exporter sidecar
enabled: false
# -- Environment variables to pass to the Redis exporter
env: []
## Prometheus redis-exporter image
# -- Repository to use for the redis-exporter
# -- Tag to use for the redis-exporter
tag: 1.58.0
# -- Image pull policy for the redis-exporter
# @default -- `""` (defaults to global.image.imagePullPolicy)
imagePullPolicy: ""
# -- Redis exporter security context
# @default -- See [values.yaml]
runAsNonRoot: true
readOnlyRootFilesystem: true
allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
type: RuntimeDefault
## Probes for Redis exporter (optional)
## Ref:
# -- Enable Kubernetes liveness probe for Redis exporter (optional)
enabled: false
# -- Number of seconds after the container has started before [probe] is initiated
initialDelaySeconds: 30
# -- How often (in seconds) to perform the [probe]
periodSeconds: 15
# -- Number of seconds after which the [probe] times out
timeoutSeconds: 15
# -- Minimum consecutive successes for the [probe] to be considered successful after having failed
successThreshold: 1
# -- Minimum consecutive failures for the [probe] to be considered failed after having succeeded
failureThreshold: 5
# -- Enable Kubernetes liveness probe for Redis exporter
enabled: false
# -- Number of seconds after the container has started before [probe] is initiated
initialDelaySeconds: 30
# -- How often (in seconds) to perform the [probe]
periodSeconds: 15
# -- Number of seconds after which the [probe] times out
timeoutSeconds: 15
# -- Minimum consecutive successes for the [probe] to be considered successful after having failed
successThreshold: 1
# -- Minimum consecutive failures for the [probe] to be considered failed after having succeeded
failureThreshold: 5
# -- Resource limits and requests for redis-exporter sidecar
resources: {}
# limits:
# cpu: 50m
# memory: 64Mi
# requests:
# cpu: 10m
# memory: 32Mi
# -- Secrets with credentials to pull images from a private registry
# @default -- `[]` (defaults to global.imagePullSecrets)
imagePullSecrets: []
# -- Additional command line arguments to pass to redis-server
extraArgs: []
# - --bind
# - ""
# -- Environment variables to pass to the Redis server
env: []
# -- envFrom to pass to the Redis server
# @default -- `[]` (See [values.yaml])
envFrom: []
# - configMapRef:
# name: config-map-name
# - secretRef:
# name: secret-name
## Probes for Redis server (optional)
## Ref:
# -- Enable Kubernetes liveness probe for Redis server
enabled: false
# -- Number of seconds after the container has started before [probe] is initiated
initialDelaySeconds: 30
# -- How often (in seconds) to perform the [probe]
periodSeconds: 15
# -- Number of seconds after which the [probe] times out
timeoutSeconds: 15
# -- Minimum consecutive successes for the [probe] to be considered successful after having failed
successThreshold: 1
# -- Minimum consecutive failures for the [probe] to be considered failed after having succeeded
failureThreshold: 5
# -- Enable Kubernetes liveness probe for Redis server
enabled: false
# -- Number of seconds after the container has started before [probe] is initiated
initialDelaySeconds: 30
# -- How often (in seconds) to perform the [probe]
periodSeconds: 15
# -- Number of seconds after which the [probe] times out
timeoutSeconds: 15
# -- Minimum consecutive successes for the [probe] to be considered successful after having failed
successThreshold: 1
# -- Minimum consecutive failures for the [probe] to be considered failed after having succeeded
failureThreshold: 5
# -- Additional containers to be added to the redis pod
## Note: Supports use of custom Helm templates
extraContainers: []
# -- Init containers to add to the redis pod
## Note: Supports use of custom Helm templates
initContainers: []
# -- Additional volumeMounts to the redis container
volumeMounts: []
# -- Additional volumes to the redis pod
volumes: []
# -- Annotations to be added to the Redis server Deployment
deploymentAnnotations: {}
# -- Annotations to be added to the Redis server pods
podAnnotations: {}
# -- Labels to be added to the Redis server pods
podLabels: {}
# -- Resource limits and requests for redis
resources: {}
# limits:
# cpu: 200m
# memory: 128Mi
# requests:
# cpu: 100m
# memory: 64Mi
# -- Redis pod-level security context
# @default -- See [values.yaml]
runAsNonRoot: true
runAsUser: 999
type: RuntimeDefault
# Redis container ports
# -- Redis container port
redis: 6379
# -- Metrics container port
metrics: 9121
# -- [DNS configuration]
dnsConfig: {}
# -- Alternative DNS policy for Redis server pods
dnsPolicy: "ClusterFirst"
# -- Redis container-level security context
# @default -- See [values.yaml]
readOnlyRootFilesystem: true
allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
# -- Redis service port
servicePort: 6379
# -- Priority class for redis pods
# @default -- `""` (defaults to global.priorityClassName)
priorityClassName: ""
# -- [Node selector]
# @default -- `{}` (defaults to global.nodeSelector)
nodeSelector: {}
# -- [Tolerations] for use with node taints
# @default -- `[]` (defaults to global.tolerations)
tolerations: []
# -- Assign custom [affinity] rules to the deployment
# @default -- `{}` (defaults to global.affinity preset)
affinity: {}
# -- Assign custom [TopologySpreadConstraints] rules to redis
# @default -- `[]` (defaults to global.topologySpreadConstraints)
## Ref:
## If labelSelector is left out, it will default to the labelSelector configuration of the deployment
topologySpreadConstraints: []
# - maxSkew: 1
# topologyKey:
# whenUnsatisfiable: DoNotSchedule
# -- terminationGracePeriodSeconds for container lifecycle hook
terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 30
# -- Automount API credentials for the Service Account into the pod.
automountServiceAccountToken: true
# -- Create a service account for the redis pod
create: false
# -- Service account name for redis pod
name: ""
# -- Annotations applied to created service account
annotations: {}
# -- Automount API credentials for the Service Account
automountServiceAccountToken: false
# -- Redis service annotations
annotations: {}
# -- Additional redis service labels
labels: {}
# -- Deploy metrics service
enabled: false
# Redis metrics service configuration
# -- Metrics service type
type: ClusterIP
# -- Metrics service clusterIP. `None` makes a "headless service" (no virtual IP)
clusterIP: None
# -- Metrics service annotations
annotations: {}
# -- Metrics service labels
labels: {}
# -- Metrics service port
servicePort: 9121
# -- Metrics service port name
portName: http-metrics
# -- Enable a prometheus ServiceMonitor
enabled: false
# -- Interval at which metrics should be scraped
interval: 30s
# -- When true, honorLabels preserves the metrics labels when they collide with the targets labels.
honorLabels: false
# -- Prometheus [RelabelConfigs] to apply to samples before scraping
relabelings: []
# -- Prometheus [MetricRelabelConfigs] to apply to samples before ingestion
metricRelabelings: []
# -- Prometheus ServiceMonitor selector
selector: {}
# prometheus: kube-prometheus
# -- Prometheus ServiceMonitor scheme
scheme: ""
# -- Prometheus ServiceMonitor tlsConfig
tlsConfig: {}
# -- Prometheus ServiceMonitor namespace
namespace: "" # "monitoring"
# -- Prometheus ServiceMonitor labels
additionalLabels: {}
# -- Prometheus ServiceMonitor annotations
annotations: {}
## Redis-HA subchart replaces custom redis deployment when `redis-ha.enabled=true`
# Ref:
# -- Enables the Redis HA subchart and disables the custom Redis single node deployment
enabled: false
## Redis image
# -- Redis repository
# -- Redis tag
tag: 7.4.1-alpine
## Prometheus redis-exporter sidecar
# -- Enable Prometheus redis-exporter sidecar
enabled: false
# -- Repository to use for the redis-exporter
# -- Tag to use for the redis-exporter
tag: 1.58.0
# -- Configures persistence on Redis nodes
enabled: false
## Redis specific configuration options
# -- Redis convention for naming the cluster group: must match `^[\\w-\\.]+$` and can be templated
masterGroupName: argocd
# -- Any valid redis config options in this section will be applied to each server (see `redis-ha` chart)
# @default -- See [values.yaml]
# -- Will save the DB if both the given number of seconds and the given number of write operations against the DB occurred. `""` is disabled
# @default -- `'""'`
save: '""'
## Enables a HA Proxy for better LoadBalancing / Sentinel Master support. Automatically proxies to Redis master.
# -- Enabled HAProxy LoadBalancing/Proxy
enabled: true
# -- Custom labels for the haproxy pod. This is relevant for Argo CD CLI.
labels: argocd-redis-ha-haproxy
# -- HAProxy enable prometheus metric scraping
enabled: true
# -- Whether the haproxy pods should be forced to run on separate nodes.
hardAntiAffinity: true
# -- Additional affinities to add to the haproxy pods.
additionalAffinities: {}
# -- Assign custom [affinity] rules to the haproxy pods.
affinity: |
# -- [Tolerations] for use with node taints for haproxy pods.
tolerations: []
# -- HAProxy container-level security context
# @default -- See [values.yaml]
readOnlyRootFilesystem: true
# -- Configures redis-ha with AUTH
auth: true
# -- Existing Secret to use for redis-ha authentication.
# By default the redis-secret-init Job is generating this Secret.
existingSecret: argocd-redis
# -- Whether the Redis server pods should be forced to run on separate nodes.
hardAntiAffinity: true
# -- Additional affinities to add to the Redis server pods.
additionalAffinities: {}
# -- Assign custom [affinity] rules to the Redis pods.
affinity: |
# -- [Tolerations] for use with node taints for Redis pods.
tolerations: []
# -- Assign custom [TopologySpreadConstraints] rules to the Redis pods.
# -- Enable Redis HA topology spread constraints
enabled: false
# -- Max skew of pods tolerated
# @default -- `""` (defaults to `1`)
maxSkew: ""
# -- Topology key for spread
# @default -- `""` (defaults to ``)
topologyKey: ""
# -- Enforcement policy, hard or soft
# @default -- `""` (defaults to `ScheduleAnyway`)
whenUnsatisfiable: ""
# -- Redis HA statefulset container-level security context
# @default -- See [values.yaml]
readOnlyRootFilesystem: true
# External Redis parameters
# -- External Redis server host
host: ""
# -- External Redis username
username: ""
# -- External Redis password
password: ""
# -- External Redis server port
port: 6379
# -- The name of an existing secret with Redis (must contain key `redis-password`) and Sentinel credentials.
# When it's set, the `externalRedis.password` parameter is ignored
existingSecret: ""
# -- External Redis Secret annotations
secretAnnotations: {}
# -- Enable Redis secret initialization. If disabled, secret must be provisioned by alternative methods
enabled: true
# -- Redis secret-init name
name: redis-secret-init
# -- Repository to use for the Redis secret-init Job
# @default -- `""` (defaults to global.image.repository)
repository: "" # defaults to global.image.repository
# -- Tag to use for the Redis secret-init Job
# @default -- `""` (defaults to global.image.tag)
tag: "" # defaults to global.image.tag
# -- Image pull policy for the Redis secret-init Job
# @default -- `""` (defaults to global.image.imagePullPolicy)
imagePullPolicy: "" # IfNotPresent
# -- Secrets with credentials to pull images from a private registry
# @default -- `[]` (defaults to global.imagePullSecrets)
imagePullSecrets: []
# -- Annotations to be added to the Redis secret-init Job
jobAnnotations: {}
# -- Annotations to be added to the Redis secret-init Job
podAnnotations: {}
# -- Labels to be added to the Redis secret-init Job
podLabels: {}
# -- Resource limits and requests for Redis secret-init Job
resources: {}
# limits:
# cpu: 200m
# memory: 128Mi
# requests:
# cpu: 100m
# memory: 64Mi
# -- Application controller container-level security context
# @default -- See [values.yaml]
allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
readOnlyRootFilesystem: true
runAsNonRoot: true
type: RuntimeDefault
# -- Redis secret-init Job pod-level security context
securityContext: {}
# -- Create a service account for the redis pod
create: true
# -- Service account name for redis pod
name: ""
# -- Annotations applied to created service account
annotations: {}
# -- Automount API credentials for the Service Account
automountServiceAccountToken: true
# -- Priority class for Redis secret-init Job
# @default -- `""` (defaults to global.priorityClassName)
priorityClassName: ""
# -- Assign custom [affinity] rules to the Redis secret-init Job
affinity: {}
# -- Node selector to be added to the Redis secret-init Job
# @default -- `{}` (defaults to global.nodeSelector)
nodeSelector: {}
# -- Tolerations to be added to the Redis secret-init Job
# @default -- `[]` (defaults to global.tolerations)
tolerations: []
## Server
# -- Argo CD server name
name: server
# -- The number of server pods to run
replicas: 1
# -- Runtime class name for the Argo CD server
# @default -- `""` (defaults to global.runtimeClassName)
runtimeClassName: ""
## Argo CD server Horizontal Pod Autoscaler
# -- Enable Horizontal Pod Autoscaler ([HPA]) for the Argo CD server
enabled: false
# -- Minimum number of replicas for the Argo CD server [HPA]
minReplicas: 1
# -- Maximum number of replicas for the Argo CD server [HPA]
maxReplicas: 5
# -- Average CPU utilization percentage for the Argo CD server [HPA]
targetCPUUtilizationPercentage: 50
# -- Average memory utilization percentage for the Argo CD server [HPA]
targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage: 50
# -- Configures the scaling behavior of the target in both Up and Down directions.
behavior: {}
# scaleDown:
# stabilizationWindowSeconds: 300
# policies:
# - type: Pods
# value: 1
# periodSeconds: 180
# scaleUp:
# stabilizationWindowSeconds: 300
# policies:
# - type: Pods
# value: 2
# periodSeconds: 60
# -- Configures custom HPA metrics for the Argo CD server
# Ref:
metrics: []
## Argo CD server Pod Disruption Budget
## Ref:
# -- Deploy a [PodDisruptionBudget] for the Argo CD server
enabled: false
# -- Labels to be added to Argo CD server pdb
labels: {}
# -- Annotations to be added to Argo CD server pdb
annotations: {}
# -- Number of pods that are available after eviction as number or percentage (eg.: 50%)
# @default -- `""` (defaults to 0 if not specified)
minAvailable: ""
# -- Number of pods that are unavailable after eviction as number or percentage (eg.: 50%).
## Has higher precedence over `server.pdb.minAvailable`
maxUnavailable: ""
## Argo CD server image
# -- Repository to use for the Argo CD server
# @default -- `""` (defaults to global.image.repository)
repository: "" # defaults to global.image.repository
# -- Tag to use for the Argo CD server
# @default -- `""` (defaults to global.image.tag)
tag: "" # defaults to global.image.tag
# -- Image pull policy for the Argo CD server
# @default -- `""` (defaults to global.image.imagePullPolicy)
imagePullPolicy: "" # IfNotPresent
# -- Secrets with credentials to pull images from a private registry
# @default -- `[]` (defaults to global.imagePullSecrets)
imagePullSecrets: []
# -- Additional command line arguments to pass to Argo CD server
extraArgs: []
# -- Environment variables to pass to Argo CD server
env: []
# -- envFrom to pass to Argo CD server
# @default -- `[]` (See [values.yaml])
envFrom: []
# - configMapRef:
# name: config-map-name
# - secretRef:
# name: secret-name
# -- Specify postStart and preStop lifecycle hooks for your argo-cd-server container
lifecycle: {}
## Argo CD extensions
## This function in tech preview stage, do expect instability or breaking changes in newer versions.
## Ref:
## When you enable extensions, you need to configure RBAC of logged in Argo CD user.
## Ref:
# -- Enable support for Argo CD extensions
enabled: false
## Argo CD extension installer image
# -- Repository to use for extension installer image
repository: ""
# -- Tag to use for extension installer image
tag: "v0.0.8"
# -- Image pull policy for extensions
# @default -- `""` (defaults to global.image.imagePullPolicy)
imagePullPolicy: ""
# -- Extensions for Argo CD
# @default -- `[]` (See [values.yaml])
## Ref:
extensionList: []
# - name: extension-metrics
# env:
# value:
# value:
# -- Server UI extensions container-level security context
# @default -- See [values.yaml]
runAsNonRoot: true
readOnlyRootFilesystem: true
allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
runAsUser: 1000
type: RuntimeDefault
# -- Resource limits and requests for the argocd-extensions container
resources: {}
# limits:
# cpu: 50m
# memory: 128Mi
# requests:
# cpu: 10m
# memory: 64Mi
# -- Additional containers to be added to the server pod
## Note: Supports use of custom Helm templates
extraContainers: []
# - name: my-sidecar
# image: nginx:latest
# - name: lemonldap-ng-controller
# image: lemonldapng/lemonldap-ng-controller:0.2.0
# args:
# - /lemonldap-ng-controller
# - --alsologtostderr
# - --configmap=$(POD_NAMESPACE)/lemonldap-ng-configuration
# env:
# - name: POD_NAME
# valueFrom:
# fieldRef:
# fieldPath:
# valueFrom:
# fieldRef:
# fieldPath: metadata.namespace
# volumeMounts:
# - name: copy-portal-skins
# mountPath: /srv/var/lib/lemonldap-ng/portal/skins
# -- Init containers to add to the server pod
## If your target Kubernetes cluster(s) require a custom credential (exec) plugin
## you could use this (and the same in the application controller pod) to provide such executable
## Ref:
initContainers: []
# - name: download-tools
# image: alpine:3
# command: [sh, -c]
# args:
# - wget -qO &&
# unzip && mv bin/linux_amd64/kubelogin /custom-tools/
# volumeMounts:
# - mountPath: /custom-tools
# name: custom-tools
# -- Additional volumeMounts to the server main container
volumeMounts: []
# - mountPath: /usr/local/bin/kubelogin
# name: custom-tools
# subPath: kubelogin
# -- Additional volumes to the server pod
volumes: []
# - name: custom-tools
# emptyDir: {}
## Argo CD server emptyDir volumes
# -- EmptyDir size limit for the Argo CD server
# @default -- `""` (defaults not set if not specified i.e. no size limit)
sizeLimit: ""
# sizeLimit: "1Gi"
# -- Annotations to be added to server Deployment
deploymentAnnotations: {}
# -- Annotations to be added to server pods
podAnnotations: {}
# -- Labels to be added to server pods
podLabels: {}
# -- Resource limits and requests for the Argo CD server
resources: {}
# limits:
# cpu: 100m
# memory: 128Mi
# requests:
# cpu: 50m
# memory: 64Mi
# Server container ports
# -- Server container port
server: 8080
# -- Metrics container port
metrics: 8083
# -- Host Network for Server pods
hostNetwork: false
# -- [DNS configuration]
dnsConfig: {}
# -- Alternative DNS policy for Server pods
dnsPolicy: "ClusterFirst"
# -- Server container-level security context
# @default -- See [values.yaml]
runAsNonRoot: true
readOnlyRootFilesystem: true
allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
type: RuntimeDefault
## Readiness and liveness probes for default backend
## Ref:
# -- Minimum consecutive failures for the [probe] to be considered failed after having succeeded
failureThreshold: 3
# -- Number of seconds after the container has started before [probe] is initiated
initialDelaySeconds: 10
# -- How often (in seconds) to perform the [probe]
periodSeconds: 10
# -- Minimum consecutive successes for the [probe] to be considered successful after having failed
successThreshold: 1
# -- Number of seconds after which the [probe] times out
timeoutSeconds: 1
# -- Minimum consecutive failures for the [probe] to be considered failed after having succeeded
failureThreshold: 3
# -- Number of seconds after the container has started before [probe] is initiated
initialDelaySeconds: 10
# -- How often (in seconds) to perform the [probe]
periodSeconds: 10
# -- Minimum consecutive successes for the [probe] to be considered successful after having failed
successThreshold: 1
# -- Number of seconds after which the [probe] times out
timeoutSeconds: 1
# -- terminationGracePeriodSeconds for container lifecycle hook
terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 30
# -- Priority class for the Argo CD server pods
# @default -- `""` (defaults to global.priorityClassName)
priorityClassName: ""
# -- [Node selector]
# @default -- `{}` (defaults to global.nodeSelector)
nodeSelector: {}
# -- [Tolerations] for use with node taints
# @default -- `[]` (defaults to global.tolerations)
tolerations: []
# -- Assign custom [affinity] rules to the deployment
# @default -- `{}` (defaults to global.affinity preset)
affinity: {}
# -- Assign custom [TopologySpreadConstraints] rules to the Argo CD server
# @default -- `[]` (defaults to global.topologySpreadConstraints)
## Ref:
## If labelSelector is left out, it will default to the labelSelector configuration of the deployment
topologySpreadConstraints: []
# - maxSkew: 1
# topologyKey:
# whenUnsatisfiable: DoNotSchedule
# -- Deployment strategy to be added to the server Deployment
deploymentStrategy: {}
# type: RollingUpdate
# rollingUpdate:
# maxSurge: 25%
# maxUnavailable: 25%
# TLS certificate configuration via cert-manager
## Ref:
# -- Deploy a Certificate resource (requires cert-manager)
enabled: false
# -- Certificate primary domain (commonName)
# @default -- `""` (defaults to global.domain)
domain: ""
# -- Certificate Subject Alternate Names (SANs)
additionalHosts: []
# -- The requested 'duration' (i.e. lifetime) of the certificate.
# @default -- `""` (defaults to 2160h = 90d if not specified)
## Ref:
duration: ""
# -- How long before the expiry a certificate should be renewed.
# @default -- `""` (defaults to 360h = 15d if not specified)
## Ref:
renewBefore: ""
# Certificate issuer
## Ref:
# -- Certificate issuer group. Set if using an external issuer. Eg. ``
group: ""
# -- Certificate issuer kind. Either `Issuer` or `ClusterIssuer`
kind: ""
# -- Certificate issuer name. Eg. `letsencrypt`
name: ""
# Private key of the certificate
# -- Rotation policy of private key when certificate is re-issued. Either: `Never` or `Always`
rotationPolicy: Never
# -- The private key cryptography standards (PKCS) encoding for private key. Either: `PCKS1` or `PKCS8`
encoding: PKCS1
# -- Algorithm used to generate certificate private key. One of: `RSA`, `Ed25519` or `ECDSA`
algorithm: RSA
# -- Key bit size of the private key. If algorithm is set to `Ed25519`, size is ignored.
size: 2048
# -- Annotations to be applied to the Server Certificate
annotations: {}
# -- Usages for the certificate
### Ref:
usages: []
# -- Annotations that allow the certificate to be composed from data residing in existing Kubernetes Resources
secretTemplateAnnotations: {}
# TLS certificate configuration via Secret
## Ref:
# -- Create argocd-server-tls secret
enabled: false
# -- Annotations to be added to argocd-server-tls secret
annotations: {}
# -- Labels to be added to argocd-server-tls secret
labels: {}
# -- Private Key of the certificate
key: ''
# -- Certificate data
crt: ''
## Server service configuration
# -- Server service annotations
annotations: argocd.homelab.local
# -- Server service labels
labels: {}
# -- Server service type
type: LoadBalancer
# -- Server service http port for NodePort service type (only if `server.service.type` is set to "NodePort")
nodePortHttp: 30080
# -- Server service https port for NodePort service type (only if `server.service.type` is set to "NodePort")
nodePortHttps: 30443
# -- Server service http port
servicePortHttp: 80
# -- Server service https port
servicePortHttps: 443
# -- Server service http port name, can be used to route traffic via istio
servicePortHttpName: http
# -- Server service https port name, can be used to route traffic via istio
servicePortHttpsName: https
# -- Server service https port appProtocol
## Ref:
servicePortHttpsAppProtocol: ""
# -- The class of the load balancer implementation
loadBalancerClass: ""
# -- LoadBalancer will get created with the IP specified in this field
loadBalancerIP: ""
# -- Source IP ranges to allow access to service from
## Ref:
loadBalancerSourceRanges: []
# -- Server service external IPs
externalIPs: []
# -- Denotes if this Service desires to route external traffic to node-local or cluster-wide endpoints
## Ref:
externalTrafficPolicy: Cluster
# -- Used to maintain session affinity. Supports `ClientIP` and `None`
## Ref:
sessionAffinity: None
## Server metrics service configuration
# -- Deploy metrics service
enabled: false
# -- Metrics service type
type: ClusterIP
# -- Metrics service clusterIP. `None` makes a "headless service" (no virtual IP)
clusterIP: ""
# -- Metrics service annotations
annotations: {}
# -- Metrics service labels
labels: {}
# -- Metrics service port
servicePort: 8083
# -- Metrics service port name
portName: http-metrics
# -- Enable a prometheus ServiceMonitor
enabled: false
# -- Prometheus ServiceMonitor interval
interval: 30s
# -- Prometheus ServiceMonitor scrapeTimeout. If empty, Prometheus uses the global scrape timeout unless it is less than the target's scrape interval value in which the latter is used.
scrapeTimeout: ""
# -- When true, honorLabels preserves the metrics labels when they collide with the targets labels.
honorLabels: false
# -- Prometheus [RelabelConfigs] to apply to samples before scraping
relabelings: []
# -- Prometheus [MetricRelabelConfigs] to apply to samples before ingestion
metricRelabelings: []
# -- Prometheus ServiceMonitor selector
selector: {}
# prometheus: kube-prometheus
# -- Prometheus ServiceMonitor scheme
scheme: ""
# -- Prometheus ServiceMonitor tlsConfig
tlsConfig: {}
# -- Prometheus ServiceMonitor namespace
namespace: "" # monitoring
# -- Prometheus ServiceMonitor labels
additionalLabels: {}
# -- Prometheus ServiceMonitor annotations
annotations: {}
# -- Automount API credentials for the Service Account into the pod.
automountServiceAccountToken: true
# -- Create server service account
create: true
# -- Server service account name
name: argocd-server
# -- Annotations applied to created service account
annotations: {}
# -- Labels applied to created service account
labels: {}
# -- Automount API credentials for the Service Account
automountServiceAccountToken: true
# Argo CD server ingress configuration
# -- Enable an ingress resource for the Argo CD server
enabled: false
# -- Specific implementation for ingress controller. One of `generic`, `aws` or `gke`
## Additional configuration might be required in related configuration sections
controller: generic
# -- Additional ingress labels
labels: {}
# -- Additional ingress annotations
## Ref:
annotations: {}
# "true"
# "true"
# -- Defines which ingress controller will implement the resource
ingressClassName: ""
# -- Argo CD server hostname
# @default -- `""` (defaults to global.domain)
hostname: ""
# -- The path to Argo CD server
path: /
# -- Ingress path type. One of `Exact`, `Prefix` or `ImplementationSpecific`
pathType: Prefix
# -- Enable TLS configuration for the hostname defined at `server.ingress.hostname`
## TLS certificate will be retrieved from a TLS secret `argocd-server-tls`
## You can create this secret via `certificate` or `certificateSecret` option
tls: false
# -- The list of additional hostnames to be covered by ingress record
# @default -- `[]` (See [values.yaml])
extraHosts: []
# - name:
# path: /
# -- Additional ingress paths
# @default -- `[]` (See [values.yaml])
## Note: Supports use of custom Helm templates
extraPaths: []
# - path: /*
# pathType: Prefix
# backend:
# service:
# name: ssl-redirect
# port:
# name: use-annotation
# -- Additional ingress rules
# @default -- `[]` (See [values.yaml])
## Note: Supports use of custom Helm templates
extraRules: []
# - http:
# paths:
# - path: /
# pathType: Prefix
# backend:
# service:
# name: '{{ include "argo-cd.server.fullname" . }}'
# port:
# name: '{{ .Values.server.service.servicePortHttpsName }}'
# -- Additional TLS configuration
# @default -- `[]` (See [values.yaml])
extraTls: []
# - hosts:
# -
# secretName: your-certificate-name
# AWS specific options for Application Load Balancer
# Applies only when `serv.ingress.controller` is set to `aws`
## Ref:
# -- Backend protocol version for the AWS ALB gRPC service
## This tells AWS to send traffic from the ALB using gRPC.
## For more information:
backendProtocolVersion: GRPC
# -- Service type for the AWS ALB gRPC service
## Can be of type NodePort or ClusterIP depending on which mode you are running.
## Instance mode needs type NodePort, IP mode needs type ClusterIP
## Ref:
serviceType: NodePort
# Google specific options for Google Application Load Balancer
# Applies only when `server.ingress.controller` is set to `gke`
## Ref:
# -- Google [BackendConfig] resource, for use with the GKE Ingress Controller
# @default -- `{}` (See [values.yaml])
## Ref:
backendConfig: {}
# iap:
# enabled: true
# oauthclientCredentials:
# secretName: argocd-secret
# -- Google [FrontendConfig] resource, for use with the GKE Ingress Controller
# @default -- `{}` (See [values.yaml])
## Ref:
frontendConfig: {}
# redirectToHttps:
# enabled: true
# responseCodeName: RESPONSE_CODE
# Managed GKE certificate for ingress hostname
# -- Create ManagedCertificate resource and annotations for Google Load balancer
## Ref:
create: true
# -- Additional domains for ManagedCertificate resource
extraDomains: []
# -
# Dedicated gRPC ingress for ingress controllers that supports only single backend protocol per Ingress resource
# Ref:
# -- Enable an ingress resource for the Argo CD server for dedicated [gRPC-ingress]
enabled: false
# -- Additional ingress annotations for dedicated [gRPC-ingress]
annotations: {}
# -- Additional ingress labels for dedicated [gRPC-ingress]
labels: {}
# -- Defines which ingress controller will implement the resource [gRPC-ingress]
ingressClassName: ""
# -- Argo CD server hostname for dedicated [gRPC-ingress]
# @default -- `""` (defaults to grpc.`server.ingress.hostname`)
hostname: ""
# -- Argo CD server ingress path for dedicated [gRPC-ingress]
path: /
# -- Ingress path type for dedicated [gRPC-ingress]. One of `Exact`, `Prefix` or `ImplementationSpecific`
pathType: Prefix
# -- Enable TLS configuration for the hostname defined at `server.ingressGrpc.hostname`
## TLS certificate will be retrieved from a TLS secret with name: `argocd-server-grpc-tls`
tls: false
# -- The list of additional hostnames to be covered by ingress record
# @default -- `[]` (See [values.yaml])
extraHosts: []
# - name:
# path: /
# -- Additional ingress paths for dedicated [gRPC-ingress]
# @default -- `[]` (See [values.yaml])
## Note: Supports use of custom Helm templates
extraPaths: []
# - path: /*
# pathType: Prefix
# backend:
# service:
# name: ssl-redirect
# port:
# name: use-annotation
# -- Additional ingress rules
# @default -- `[]` (See [values.yaml])
## Note: Supports use of custom Helm templates
extraRules: []
# - http:
# paths:
# - path: /
# pathType: Prefix
# backend:
# service:
# name: '{{ include "argo-cd.server.fullname" . }}'
# port:
# name: '{{ .Values.server.service.servicePortHttpName }}'
# -- Additional TLS configuration for dedicated [gRPC-ingress]
# @default -- `[]` (See [values.yaml])
extraTls: []
# - secretName: your-certificate-name
# hosts:
# -
# Create a OpenShift Route with SSL passthrough for UI and CLI
# Consider setting 'hostname' e.g. https://argocd.apps-crc.testing/ using your Default Ingress Controller Domain
# Find your domain with: kubectl describe --namespace=openshift-ingress-operator ingresscontroller/default | grep Domain:
# If 'hostname' is an empty string "" OpenShift will create a hostname for you.
# -- Enable an OpenShift Route for the Argo CD server
enabled: false
# -- Openshift Route annotations
annotations: {}
# -- Hostname of OpenShift Route
hostname: ""
# -- Termination type of Openshift Route
termination_type: passthrough
# -- Termination policy of Openshift Route
termination_policy: None
## Enable this and set the rules: to whatever custom rules you want for the Cluster Role resource.
## Defaults to off
# -- Enable custom rules for the server's ClusterRole resource
enabled: false
# -- List of custom rules for the server's ClusterRole resource
rules: []
## Repo Server
# -- Repo server name
name: repo-server
# -- The number of repo server pods to run
replicas: 1
# -- Runtime class name for the repo server
# @default -- `""` (defaults to global.runtimeClassName)
runtimeClassName: ""
## Repo server Horizontal Pod Autoscaler
# -- Enable Horizontal Pod Autoscaler ([HPA]) for the repo server
enabled: false
# -- Minimum number of replicas for the repo server [HPA]
minReplicas: 1
# -- Maximum number of replicas for the repo server [HPA]
maxReplicas: 5
# -- Average CPU utilization percentage for the repo server [HPA]
targetCPUUtilizationPercentage: 50
# -- Average memory utilization percentage for the repo server [HPA]
targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage: 50
# -- Configures the scaling behavior of the target in both Up and Down directions.
behavior: {}
# scaleDown:
# stabilizationWindowSeconds: 300
# policies:
# - type: Pods
# value: 1
# periodSeconds: 180
# scaleUp:
# stabilizationWindowSeconds: 300
# policies:
# - type: Pods
# value: 2
# periodSeconds: 60
# -- Configures custom HPA metrics for the Argo CD repo server
# Ref:
metrics: []
## Repo server Pod Disruption Budget
## Ref:
# -- Deploy a [PodDisruptionBudget] for the repo server
enabled: false
# -- Labels to be added to repo server pdb
labels: {}
# -- Annotations to be added to repo server pdb
annotations: {}
# -- Number of pods that are available after eviction as number or percentage (eg.: 50%)
# @default -- `""` (defaults to 0 if not specified)
minAvailable: ""
# -- Number of pods that are unavailable after eviction as number or percentage (eg.: 50%).
## Has higher precedence over `repoServer.pdb.minAvailable`
maxUnavailable: ""
## Repo server image
# -- Repository to use for the repo server
# @default -- `""` (defaults to global.image.repository)
repository: ""
# -- Tag to use for the repo server
# @default -- `""` (defaults to global.image.tag)
tag: ""
# -- Image pull policy for the repo server
# @default -- `""` (defaults to global.image.imagePullPolicy)
imagePullPolicy: ""
# -- Secrets with credentials to pull images from a private registry
# @default -- `[]` (defaults to global.imagePullSecrets)
imagePullSecrets: []
# -- Additional command line arguments to pass to repo server
extraArgs: []
# -- Environment variables to pass to repo server
env: []
# -- envFrom to pass to repo server
# @default -- `[]` (See [values.yaml])
envFrom: []
# - configMapRef:
# name: config-map-name
# - secretRef:
# name: secret-name
# -- Specify postStart and preStop lifecycle hooks for your argo-repo-server container
lifecycle: {}
# -- Additional containers to be added to the repo server pod
## Ref:
## Note: Supports use of custom Helm templates
extraContainers: []
# - name: cmp-my-plugin
# command:
# - "/var/run/argocd/argocd-cmp-server"
# image: busybox
# securityContext:
# runAsNonRoot: true
# runAsUser: 999
# volumeMounts:
# - mountPath: /var/run/argocd
# name: var-files
# - mountPath: /home/argocd/cmp-server/plugins
# name: plugins
# # Remove this volumeMount if you've chosen to bake the config file into the sidecar image.
# - mountPath: /home/argocd/cmp-server/config/plugin.yaml
# subPath: my-plugin.yaml
# name: argocd-cmp-cm
# # Starting with v2.4, do NOT mount the same tmp volume as the repo-server container. The filesystem separation helps
# # mitigate path traversal attacks.
# - mountPath: /tmp
# name: cmp-tmp
# - name: cmp-my-plugin2
# command:
# - "/var/run/argocd/argocd-cmp-server"
# image: busybox
# securityContext:
# runAsNonRoot: true
# runAsUser: 999
# volumeMounts:
# - mountPath: /var/run/argocd
# name: var-files
# # Remove this volumeMount if you've chosen to bake the config file into the sidecar image.
# - mountPath: /home/argocd/cmp-server/plugins
# name: plugins
# - mountPath: /home/argocd/cmp-server/config/plugin.yaml
# subPath: my-plugin2.yaml
# name: argocd-cmp-cm
# # Starting with v2.4, do NOT mount the same tmp volume as the repo-server container. The filesystem separation helps
# # mitigate path traversal attacks.
# - mountPath: /tmp
# name: cmp-tmp
# -- Init containers to add to the repo server pods
initContainers: []
# -- Additional volumeMounts to the repo server main container
volumeMounts: []
# -- Additional volumes to the repo server pod
volumes: []
# - name: argocd-cmp-cm
# configMap:
# name: argocd-cmp-cm
# - name: cmp-tmp
# emptyDir: {}
# -- Volumes to be used in replacement of emptydir on default volumes
existingVolumes: {}
# gpgKeyring:
# persistentVolumeClaim:
# claimName: pvc-argocd-repo-server-keyring
# helmWorkingDir:
# persistentVolumeClaim:
# claimName: pvc-argocd-repo-server-workdir
# tmp:
# persistentVolumeClaim:
# claimName: pvc-argocd-repo-server-tmp
# varFiles:
# persistentVolumeClaim:
# claimName: pvc-argocd-repo-server-varfiles
# plugins:
# persistentVolumeClaim:
# claimName: pvc-argocd-repo-server-plugins
## RepoServer emptyDir volumes
# -- EmptyDir size limit for repo server
# @default -- `""` (defaults not set if not specified i.e. no size limit)
sizeLimit: ""
# sizeLimit: "1Gi"
# -- Toggle the usage of a ephemeral Helm working directory
useEphemeralHelmWorkingDir: true
# -- Annotations to be added to repo server Deployment
deploymentAnnotations: {}
# -- Annotations to be added to repo server pods
podAnnotations: {}
# -- Labels to be added to repo server pods
podLabels: {}
# -- Resource limits and requests for the repo server pods
resources: {}
# limits:
# cpu: 50m
# memory: 128Mi
# requests:
# cpu: 10m
# memory: 64Mi
# Repo server container ports
# -- Repo server container port
server: 8081
# -- Metrics container port
metrics: 8084
# -- Host Network for Repo server pods
hostNetwork: false
# -- [DNS configuration]
dnsConfig: {}
# -- Alternative DNS policy for Repo server pods
dnsPolicy: "ClusterFirst"
# -- Repo server container-level security context
# @default -- See [values.yaml]
runAsNonRoot: true
readOnlyRootFilesystem: true
allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
type: RuntimeDefault
## Readiness and liveness probes for default backend
## Ref:
# -- Minimum consecutive failures for the [probe] to be considered failed after having succeeded
failureThreshold: 3
# -- Number of seconds after the container has started before [probe] is initiated
initialDelaySeconds: 10
# -- How often (in seconds) to perform the [probe]
periodSeconds: 10
# -- Minimum consecutive successes for the [probe] to be considered successful after having failed
successThreshold: 1
# -- Number of seconds after which the [probe] times out
timeoutSeconds: 1
# -- Minimum consecutive failures for the [probe] to be considered failed after having succeeded
failureThreshold: 3
# -- Number of seconds after the container has started before [probe] is initiated
initialDelaySeconds: 10
# -- How often (in seconds) to perform the [probe]
periodSeconds: 10
# -- Minimum consecutive successes for the [probe] to be considered successful after having failed
successThreshold: 1
# -- Number of seconds after which the [probe] times out
timeoutSeconds: 1
# -- terminationGracePeriodSeconds for container lifecycle hook
terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 30
# -- [Node selector]
# @default -- `{}` (defaults to global.nodeSelector)
nodeSelector: {}
# -- [Tolerations] for use with node taints
# @default -- `[]` (defaults to global.tolerations)
tolerations: []
# -- Assign custom [affinity] rules to the deployment
# @default -- `{}` (defaults to global.affinity preset)
affinity: {}
# -- Assign custom [TopologySpreadConstraints] rules to the repo server
# @default -- `[]` (defaults to global.topologySpreadConstraints)
## Ref:
## If labelSelector is left out, it will default to the labelSelector configuration of the deployment
topologySpreadConstraints: []
# - maxSkew: 1
# topologyKey:
# whenUnsatisfiable: DoNotSchedule
# -- Deployment strategy to be added to the repo server Deployment
deploymentStrategy: {}
# type: RollingUpdate
# rollingUpdate:
# maxSurge: 25%
# maxUnavailable: 25%
# -- Priority class for the repo server pods
# @default -- `""` (defaults to global.priorityClassName)
priorityClassName: ""
# TLS certificate configuration via Secret
## Ref:
## Note: Issuing certificates via cert-manager in not supported right now because it's not possible to restart repo server automatically without extra controllers.
# -- Create argocd-repo-server-tls secret
enabled: false
# -- Annotations to be added to argocd-repo-server-tls secret
annotations: {}
# -- Labels to be added to argocd-repo-server-tls secret
labels: {}
# -- Certificate authority. Required for self-signed certificates.
ca: ''
# -- Certificate private key
key: ''
# -- Certificate data. Must contain SANs of Repo service (ie: argocd-repo-server, argocd-repo-server.argo-cd.svc)
crt: ''
## Repo server service configuration
# -- Repo server service annotations
annotations: {}
# -- Repo server service labels
labels: {}
# -- Repo server service port
port: 8081
# -- Repo server service port name
portName: tcp-repo-server
## Repo server metrics service configuration
# -- Deploy metrics service
enabled: false
# -- Metrics service type
type: ClusterIP
# -- Metrics service clusterIP. `None` makes a "headless service" (no virtual IP)
clusterIP: ""
# -- Metrics service annotations
annotations: {}
# -- Metrics service labels
labels: {}
# -- Metrics service port
servicePort: 8084
# -- Metrics service port name
portName: http-metrics
# -- Enable a prometheus ServiceMonitor
enabled: false
# -- Prometheus ServiceMonitor interval
interval: 30s
# -- Prometheus ServiceMonitor scrapeTimeout. If empty, Prometheus uses the global scrape timeout unless it is less than the target's scrape interval value in which the latter is used.
scrapeTimeout: ""
# -- When true, honorLabels preserves the metrics labels when they collide with the targets labels.
honorLabels: false
# -- Prometheus [RelabelConfigs] to apply to samples before scraping
relabelings: []
# -- Prometheus [MetricRelabelConfigs] to apply to samples before ingestion
metricRelabelings: []
# -- Prometheus ServiceMonitor selector
selector: {}
# prometheus: kube-prometheus
# -- Prometheus ServiceMonitor scheme
scheme: ""
# -- Prometheus ServiceMonitor tlsConfig
tlsConfig: {}
# -- Prometheus ServiceMonitor namespace
namespace: "" # "monitoring"
# -- Prometheus ServiceMonitor labels
additionalLabels: {}
# -- Prometheus ServiceMonitor annotations
annotations: {}
## Enable Custom Rules for the Repo server's Cluster Role resource
## Enable this and set the rules: to whatever custom rules you want for the Cluster Role resource.
## Defaults to off
# -- Enable custom rules for the Repo server's Cluster Role resource
enabled: false
# -- List of custom rules for the Repo server's Cluster Role resource
rules: []
# -- Automount API credentials for the Service Account into the pod.
automountServiceAccountToken: true
## Repo server service account
## If create is set to true, make sure to uncomment the name and update the rbac section below
# -- Create repo server service account
create: true
# -- Repo server service account name
name: "" # "argocd-repo-server"
# -- Annotations applied to created service account
annotations: {}
# -- Labels applied to created service account
labels: {}
# -- Automount API credentials for the Service Account
automountServiceAccountToken: true
# -- Repo server rbac rules
rbac: []
# - apiGroups:
# -
# resources:
# - applications
# verbs:
# - get
# - list
# - watch
## ApplicationSet controller
# -- ApplicationSet controller name string
name: applicationset-controller
# -- The number of ApplicationSet controller pods to run
replicas: 1
# -- Runtime class name for the ApplicationSet controller
# @default -- `""` (defaults to global.runtimeClassName)
runtimeClassName: ""
## ApplicationSet controller Pod Disruption Budget
## Ref:
# -- Deploy a [PodDisruptionBudget] for the ApplicationSet controller
enabled: false
# -- Labels to be added to ApplicationSet controller pdb
labels: {}
# -- Annotations to be added to ApplicationSet controller pdb
annotations: {}
# -- Number of pods that are available after eviction as number or percentage (eg.: 50%)
# @default -- `""` (defaults to 0 if not specified)
minAvailable: ""
# -- Number of pods that are unavailable after eviction as number or percentage (eg.: 50%).
## Has higher precedence over `applicationSet.pdb.minAvailable`
maxUnavailable: ""
## ApplicationSet controller image
# -- Repository to use for the ApplicationSet controller
# @default -- `""` (defaults to global.image.repository)
repository: ""
# -- Tag to use for the ApplicationSet controller
# @default -- `""` (defaults to global.image.tag)
tag: ""
# -- Image pull policy for the ApplicationSet controller
# @default -- `""` (defaults to global.image.imagePullPolicy)
imagePullPolicy: ""
# -- If defined, uses a Secret to pull an image from a private Docker registry or repository.
# @default -- `[]` (defaults to global.imagePullSecrets)
imagePullSecrets: []
# -- ApplicationSet controller command line flags
extraArgs: []
# -- Environment variables to pass to the ApplicationSet controller
extraEnv: []
# - name: "MY_VAR"
# value: "value"
# -- envFrom to pass to the ApplicationSet controller
# @default -- `[]` (See [values.yaml])
extraEnvFrom: []
# - configMapRef:
# name: config-map-name
# - secretRef:
# name: secret-name
# -- Additional containers to be added to the ApplicationSet controller pod
## Note: Supports use of custom Helm templates
extraContainers: []
# -- Init containers to add to the ApplicationSet controller pod
## Note: Supports use of custom Helm templates
initContainers: []
# -- List of extra mounts to add (normally used with extraVolumes)
extraVolumeMounts: []
# -- List of extra volumes to add
extraVolumes: []
## ApplicationSet controller emptyDir volumes
# -- EmptyDir size limit for applicationSet controller
# @default -- `""` (defaults not set if not specified i.e. no size limit)
sizeLimit: ""
# sizeLimit: "1Gi"
## Metrics service configuration
# -- Deploy metrics service
enabled: false
# -- Metrics service type
type: ClusterIP
# -- Metrics service clusterIP. `None` makes a "headless service" (no virtual IP)
clusterIP: ""
# -- Metrics service annotations
annotations: {}
# -- Metrics service labels
labels: {}
# -- Metrics service port
servicePort: 8080
# -- Metrics service port name
portName: http-metrics
# -- Enable a prometheus ServiceMonitor
enabled: false
# -- Prometheus ServiceMonitor interval
interval: 30s
# -- Prometheus ServiceMonitor scrapeTimeout. If empty, Prometheus uses the global scrape timeout unless it is less than the target's scrape interval value in which the latter is used.
scrapeTimeout: ""
# -- When true, honorLabels preserves the metrics labels when they collide with the targets labels.
honorLabels: false
# -- Prometheus [RelabelConfigs] to apply to samples before scraping
relabelings: []
# -- Prometheus [MetricRelabelConfigs] to apply to samples before ingestion
metricRelabelings: []
# -- Prometheus ServiceMonitor selector
selector: {}
# prometheus: kube-prometheus
# -- Prometheus ServiceMonitor scheme
scheme: ""
# -- Prometheus ServiceMonitor tlsConfig
tlsConfig: {}
# -- Prometheus ServiceMonitor namespace
namespace: "" # monitoring
# -- Prometheus ServiceMonitor labels
additionalLabels: {}
# -- Prometheus ServiceMonitor annotations
annotations: {}
## ApplicationSet service configuration
# -- ApplicationSet service annotations
annotations: {}
# -- ApplicationSet service labels
labels: {}
# -- ApplicationSet service type
type: ClusterIP
# -- ApplicationSet service port
port: 7000
# -- ApplicationSet service port name
portName: http-webhook
# -- Automount API credentials for the Service Account into the pod.
automountServiceAccountToken: true
# -- Create ApplicationSet controller service account
create: true
# -- ApplicationSet controller service account name
name: argocd-applicationset-controller
# -- Annotations applied to created service account
annotations: {}
# -- Labels applied to created service account
labels: {}
# -- Automount API credentials for the Service Account
automountServiceAccountToken: true
# -- Annotations to be added to ApplicationSet controller Deployment
deploymentAnnotations: {}
# -- Annotations for the ApplicationSet controller pods
podAnnotations: {}
# -- Labels for the ApplicationSet controller pods
podLabels: {}
# -- Resource limits and requests for the ApplicationSet controller pods.
resources: {}
# limits:
# cpu: 100m
# memory: 128Mi
# requests:
# cpu: 100m
# memory: 128Mi
# ApplicationSet controller container ports
# -- Metrics container port
metrics: 8080
# -- Probe container port
probe: 8081
# -- Webhook container port
webhook: 7000
# -- [DNS configuration]
dnsConfig: {}
# -- Alternative DNS policy for ApplicationSet controller pods
dnsPolicy: "ClusterFirst"
# -- ApplicationSet controller container-level security context
# @default -- See [values.yaml]
runAsNonRoot: true
readOnlyRootFilesystem: true
allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
type: RuntimeDefault
## Probes for ApplicationSet controller (optional)
## Ref:
# -- Enable Kubernetes liveness probe for ApplicationSet controller
enabled: false
# -- Number of seconds after the container has started before [probe] is initiated
initialDelaySeconds: 10
# -- How often (in seconds) to perform the [probe]
periodSeconds: 10
# -- Number of seconds after which the [probe] times out
timeoutSeconds: 1
# -- Minimum consecutive successes for the [probe] to be considered successful after having failed
successThreshold: 1
# -- Minimum consecutive failures for the [probe] to be considered failed after having succeeded
failureThreshold: 3
# -- Enable Kubernetes liveness probe for ApplicationSet controller
enabled: false
# -- Number of seconds after the container has started before [probe] is initiated
initialDelaySeconds: 10
# -- How often (in seconds) to perform the [probe]
periodSeconds: 10
# -- Number of seconds after which the [probe] times out
timeoutSeconds: 1
# -- Minimum consecutive successes for the [probe] to be considered successful after having failed
successThreshold: 1
# -- Minimum consecutive failures for the [probe] to be considered failed after having succeeded
failureThreshold: 3
# -- terminationGracePeriodSeconds for container lifecycle hook
terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 30
# -- [Node selector]
# @default -- `{}` (defaults to global.nodeSelector)
nodeSelector: {}
# -- [Tolerations] for use with node taints
# @default -- `[]` (defaults to global.tolerations)
tolerations: []
# -- Assign custom [affinity] rules
# @default -- `{}` (defaults to global.affinity preset)
affinity: {}
# -- Assign custom [TopologySpreadConstraints] rules to the ApplicationSet controller
# @default -- `[]` (defaults to global.topologySpreadConstraints)
## Ref:
## If labelSelector is left out, it will default to the labelSelector configuration of the deployment
topologySpreadConstraints: []
# - maxSkew: 1
# topologyKey:
# whenUnsatisfiable: DoNotSchedule
# -- Deployment strategy to be added to the ApplicationSet controller Deployment
deploymentStrategy: {}
# type: RollingUpdate
# rollingUpdate:
# maxSurge: 25%
# maxUnavailable: 25%
# -- Priority class for the ApplicationSet controller pods
# @default -- `""` (defaults to global.priorityClassName)
priorityClassName: ""
# TLS certificate configuration via cert-manager
## Ref:
# -- Deploy a Certificate resource (requires cert-manager)
enabled: false
# -- Certificate primary domain (commonName)
# @default -- `""` (defaults to global.domain)
domain: ""
# -- Certificate Subject Alternate Names (SANs)
additionalHosts: []
# -- The requested 'duration' (i.e. lifetime) of the certificate.
# @default -- `""` (defaults to 2160h = 90d if not specified)
## Ref:
duration: ""
# -- How long before the expiry a certificate should be renewed.
# @default -- `""` (defaults to 360h = 15d if not specified)
## Ref:
renewBefore: ""
# Certificate issuer
## Ref:
# -- Certificate issuer group. Set if using an external issuer. Eg. ``
group: ""
# -- Certificate issuer kind. Either `Issuer` or `ClusterIssuer`
kind: ""
# -- Certificate issuer name. Eg. `letsencrypt`
name: ""
# Private key of the certificate
# -- Rotation policy of private key when certificate is re-issued. Either: `Never` or `Always`
rotationPolicy: Never
# -- The private key cryptography standards (PKCS) encoding for private key. Either: `PCKS1` or `PKCS8`
encoding: PKCS1
# -- Algorithm used to generate certificate private key. One of: `RSA`, `Ed25519` or `ECDSA`
algorithm: RSA
# -- Key bit size of the private key. If algorithm is set to `Ed25519`, size is ignored.
size: 2048
# -- Annotations to be applied to the ApplicationSet Certificate
annotations: {}
## Ingress for the Git Generator webhook
## Ref:
# -- Enable an ingress resource for ApplicationSet webhook
enabled: false
# -- Additional ingress labels
labels: {}
# -- Additional ingress annotations
annotations: {}
# -- Defines which ingress ApplicationSet controller will implement the resource
ingressClassName: ""
# -- Argo CD ApplicationSet hostname
# @default -- `""` (defaults to global.domain)
hostname: ""
# -- List of ingress paths
path: /api/webhook
# -- Ingress path type. One of `Exact`, `Prefix` or `ImplementationSpecific`
pathType: Prefix
# -- Enable TLS configuration for the hostname defined at `applicationSet.webhook.ingress.hostname`
## TLS certificate will be retrieved from a TLS secret with name:`argocd-applicationset-controller-tls`
tls: false
# -- The list of additional hostnames to be covered by ingress record
# @default -- `[]` (See [values.yaml])
extraHosts: []
# - name:
# path: /
# -- Additional ingress paths
# @default -- `[]` (See [values.yaml])
extraPaths: []
# - path: /*
# pathType: Prefix
# backend:
# service:
# name: ssl-redirect
# port:
# name: use-annotation
# -- Additional ingress rules
# @default -- `[]` (See [values.yaml])
## Note: Supports use of custom Helm templates
extraRules: []
# - http:
# paths:
# - path: /api/webhook
# pathType: Prefix
# backend:
# service:
# name: '{{ include "argo-cd.applicationSet.fullname" . }}'
# port:
# name: '{{ .Values.applicationSet.service.portName }}'
# -- Additional ingress TLS configuration
# @default -- `[]` (See [values.yaml])
extraTls: []
# - secretName: argocd-applicationset-tls
# hosts:
# -
# -- Enable ApplicationSet in any namespace feature
allowAnyNamespace: false
## Notifications controller
# -- Enable notifications controller
enabled: true
# -- Notifications controller name string
name: notifications-controller
# -- Argo CD dashboard url; used in place of {{.context.argocdUrl}} in templates
# @default -- `""` (defaults to https://`global.domain`)
argocdUrl: ""
# -- Runtime class name for the notifications controller
# @default -- `""` (defaults to global.runtimeClassName)
runtimeClassName: ""
## Notifications controller Pod Disruption Budget
## Ref:
# -- Deploy a [PodDisruptionBudget] for the notifications controller
enabled: false
# -- Labels to be added to notifications controller pdb
labels: {}
# -- Annotations to be added to notifications controller pdb
annotations: {}
# -- Number of pods that are available after eviction as number or percentage (eg.: 50%)
# @default -- `""` (defaults to 0 if not specified)
minAvailable: ""
# -- Number of pods that are unavailable after eviction as number or percentage (eg.: 50%).
## Has higher precedence over `notifications.pdb.minAvailable`
maxUnavailable: ""
## Notifications controller image
# -- Repository to use for the notifications controller
# @default -- `""` (defaults to global.image.repository)
repository: ""
# -- Tag to use for the notifications controller
# @default -- `""` (defaults to global.image.tag)
tag: ""
# -- Image pull policy for the notifications controller
# @default -- `""` (defaults to global.image.imagePullPolicy)
imagePullPolicy: ""
# -- Secrets with credentials to pull images from a private registry
# @default -- `[]` (defaults to global.imagePullSecrets)
imagePullSecrets: []
# -- Notifications controller log format. Either `text` or `json`
# @default -- `""` (defaults to global.logging.format)
logFormat: ""
# -- Notifications controller log level. One of: `debug`, `info`, `warn`, `error`
# @default -- `""` (defaults to global.logging.level)
logLevel: ""
# -- Extra arguments to provide to the notifications controller
extraArgs: []
# -- Additional container environment variables
extraEnv: []
# -- envFrom to pass to the notifications controller
# @default -- `[]` (See [values.yaml])
extraEnvFrom: []
# - configMapRef:
# name: config-map-name
# - secretRef:
# name: secret-name
# -- Additional containers to be added to the notifications controller pod
## Note: Supports use of custom Helm templates
extraContainers: []
# -- Init containers to add to the notifications controller pod
## Note: Supports use of custom Helm templates
initContainers: []
# -- List of extra mounts to add (normally used with extraVolumes)
extraVolumeMounts: []
# -- List of extra volumes to add
extraVolumes: []
# -- Define user-defined context
## For more information:
context: {}
# region: east
# environmentName: staging
# -- Whether helm chart creates notifications controller secret
## If true, will create a secret with the name below. Otherwise, will assume existence of a secret with that name.
create: true
# -- notifications controller Secret name
name: "argocd-notifications-secret"
# -- key:value pairs of annotations to be added to the secret
annotations: {}
# -- key:value pairs of labels to be added to the secret
labels: {}
# -- Generic key:value pairs to be inserted into the secret
## Can be used for templates, notification services etc. Some examples given below.
## For more information:
items: {}
# slack-token:
# # For more information:
# grafana-apiKey:
# # For more information:
# webhooks-github-token:
# email-username:
# email-password:
# For more information:
# -- Enables prometheus metrics server
enabled: false
# -- Metrics port
port: 9001
# -- Metrics service type
type: ClusterIP
# -- Metrics service clusterIP. `None` makes a "headless service" (no virtual IP)
clusterIP: ""
# -- Metrics service annotations
annotations: {}
# -- Metrics service labels
labels: {}
# -- Metrics service port name
portName: http-metrics
# -- Enable a prometheus ServiceMonitor
enabled: false
# -- Prometheus ServiceMonitor selector
selector: {}
# prometheus: kube-prometheus
# -- Prometheus ServiceMonitor labels
additionalLabels: {}
# -- Prometheus ServiceMonitor annotations
annotations: {}
# namespace: monitoring
# interval: 30s
# scrapeTimeout: 10s
# -- Prometheus ServiceMonitor scheme
scheme: ""
# -- Prometheus ServiceMonitor tlsConfig
tlsConfig: {}
# -- When true, honorLabels preserves the metrics labels when they collide with the targets labels.
honorLabels: false
# -- Prometheus [RelabelConfigs] to apply to samples before scraping
relabelings: []
# -- Prometheus [MetricRelabelConfigs] to apply to samples before ingestion
metricRelabelings: []
# -- Configures notification services such as slack, email or custom webhook
# @default -- See [values.yaml]
## For more information:
notifiers: {}
# service.slack: |
# token: $slack-token
# -- Annotations to be applied to the notifications controller Deployment
deploymentAnnotations: {}
# -- Annotations to be applied to the notifications controller Pods
podAnnotations: {}
# -- Labels to be applied to the notifications controller Pods
podLabels: {}
# -- Resource limits and requests for the notifications controller
resources: {}
# limits:
# cpu: 100m
# memory: 128Mi
# requests:
# cpu: 100m
# memory: 128Mi
# Notification controller container ports
# -- Metrics container port
metrics: 9001
# -- [DNS configuration]
dnsConfig: {}
# -- Alternative DNS policy for notifications controller Pods
dnsPolicy: "ClusterFirst"
# -- Notification controller container-level security Context
# @default -- See [values.yaml]
runAsNonRoot: true
readOnlyRootFilesystem: true
allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
type: RuntimeDefault
## Probes for notifications controller Pods (optional)
## Ref:
# -- Enable Kubernetes liveness probe for notifications controller Pods
enabled: false
# -- Number of seconds after the container has started before [probe] is initiated
initialDelaySeconds: 10
# -- How often (in seconds) to perform the [probe]
periodSeconds: 10
# -- Number of seconds after which the [probe] times out
timeoutSeconds: 1
# -- Minimum consecutive successes for the [probe] to be considered successful after having failed
successThreshold: 1
# -- Minimum consecutive failures for the [probe] to be considered failed after having succeeded
failureThreshold: 3
# -- Enable Kubernetes liveness probe for notifications controller Pods
enabled: false
# -- Number of seconds after the container has started before [probe] is initiated
initialDelaySeconds: 10
# -- How often (in seconds) to perform the [probe]
periodSeconds: 10
# -- Number of seconds after which the [probe] times out
timeoutSeconds: 1
# -- Minimum consecutive successes for the [probe] to be considered successful after having failed
successThreshold: 1
# -- Minimum consecutive failures for the [probe] to be considered failed after having succeeded
failureThreshold: 3
# -- terminationGracePeriodSeconds for container lifecycle hook
terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 30
# -- [Node selector]
# @default -- `{}` (defaults to global.nodeSelector)
nodeSelector: {}
# -- [Tolerations] for use with node taints
# @default -- `[]` (defaults to global.tolerations)
tolerations: []
# -- Assign custom [affinity] rules
# @default -- `{}` (defaults to global.affinity preset)
affinity: {}
# -- Assign custom [TopologySpreadConstraints] rules to the application controller
# @default -- `[]` (defaults to global.topologySpreadConstraints)
## Ref:
## If labelSelector is left out, it will default to the labelSelector configuration of the deployment
topologySpreadConstraints: []
# - maxSkew: 1
# topologyKey:
# whenUnsatisfiable: DoNotSchedule
# -- Deployment strategy to be added to the notifications controller Deployment
type: Recreate
# -- Priority class for the notifications controller pods
# @default -- `""` (defaults to global.priorityClassName)
priorityClassName: ""
# -- Automount API credentials for the Service Account into the pod.
automountServiceAccountToken: true
# -- Create notifications controller service account
create: true
# -- Notification controller service account name
name: argocd-notifications-controller
# -- Annotations applied to created service account
annotations: {}
# -- Labels applied to created service account
labels: {}
# -- Automount API credentials for the Service Account
automountServiceAccountToken: true
# -- Whether helm chart creates notifications controller config map
create: true
## Enable this and set the rules: to whatever custom rules you want for the Cluster Role resource.
## Defaults to off
# -- List of custom rules for the notifications controller's ClusterRole resource
rules: []
# -- Contains centrally managed global application subscriptions
## For more information:
subscriptions: []
# # subscription for on-sync-status-unknown trigger notifications
# - recipients:
# - slack:test2
# -
# triggers:
# - on-sync-status-unknown
# # subscription restricted to applications with matching labels only
# - recipients:
# - slack:test3
# selector: test=true
# triggers:
# - on-sync-status-unknown
# -- The notification template is used to generate the notification content
## For more information:
templates: {}
# |
# email:
# subject: New version of an application {{}} is up and running.
# message: |
# {{if eq .serviceType "slack"}}:white_check_mark:{{end}} Application {{}} is now running new version of deployments manifests.
# slack:
# attachments: |
# [{
# "title": "{{}}",
# "title_link":"{{.context.argocdUrl}}/applications/{{}}",
# "color": "#18be52",
# "fields": [
# {
# "title": "Sync Status",
# "value": "{{.app.status.sync.status}}",
# "short": true
# },
# {
# "title": "Repository",
# "value": "{{.app.spec.source.repoURL}}",
# "short": true
# },
# {
# "title": "Revision",
# "value": "{{.app.status.sync.revision}}",
# "short": true
# }
# {{range $index, $c := .app.status.conditions}}
# {{if not $index}},{{end}}
# {{if $index}},{{end}}
# {
# "title": "{{$c.type}}",
# "value": "{{$c.message}}",
# "short": true
# }
# {{end}}
# ]
# }]
# |
# email:
# subject: Application {{}} has degraded.
# message: |
# {{if eq .serviceType "slack"}}:exclamation:{{end}} Application {{}} has degraded.
# Application details: {{.context.argocdUrl}}/applications/{{}}.
# slack:
# attachments: |-
# [{
# "title": "{{}}",
# "title_link": "{{.context.argocdUrl}}/applications/{{}}",
# "color": "#f4c030",
# "fields": [
# {
# "title": "Sync Status",
# "value": "{{.app.status.sync.status}}",
# "short": true
# },
# {
# "title": "Repository",
# "value": "{{.app.spec.source.repoURL}}",
# "short": true
# }
# {{range $index, $c := .app.status.conditions}}
# {{if not $index}},{{end}}
# {{if $index}},{{end}}
# {
# "title": "{{$c.type}}",
# "value": "{{$c.message}}",
# "short": true
# }
# {{end}}
# ]
# }]
# |
# email:
# subject: Failed to sync application {{}}.
# message: |
# {{if eq .serviceType "slack"}}:exclamation:{{end}} The sync operation of application {{}} has failed at {{.app.status.operationState.finishedAt}} with the following error: {{.app.status.operationState.message}}
# Sync operation details are available at: {{.context.argocdUrl}}/applications/{{}}?operation=true .
# slack:
# attachments: |-
# [{
# "title": "{{}}",
# "title_link":"{{.context.argocdUrl}}/applications/{{}}",
# "color": "#E96D76",
# "fields": [
# {
# "title": "Sync Status",
# "value": "{{.app.status.sync.status}}",
# "short": true
# },
# {
# "title": "Repository",
# "value": "{{.app.spec.source.repoURL}}",
# "short": true
# }
# {{range $index, $c := .app.status.conditions}}
# {{if not $index}},{{end}}
# {{if $index}},{{end}}
# {
# "title": "{{$c.type}}",
# "value": "{{$c.message}}",
# "short": true
# }
# {{end}}
# ]
# }]
# |
# email:
# subject: Start syncing application {{}}.
# message: |
# The sync operation of application {{}} has started at {{.app.status.operationState.startedAt}}.
# Sync operation details are available at: {{.context.argocdUrl}}/applications/{{}}?operation=true .
# slack:
# attachments: |-
# [{
# "title": "{{}}",
# "title_link":"{{.context.argocdUrl}}/applications/{{}}",
# "color": "#0DADEA",
# "fields": [
# {
# "title": "Sync Status",
# "value": "{{.app.status.sync.status}}",
# "short": true
# },
# {
# "title": "Repository",
# "value": "{{.app.spec.source.repoURL}}",
# "short": true
# }
# {{range $index, $c := .app.status.conditions}}
# {{if not $index}},{{end}}
# {{if $index}},{{end}}
# {
# "title": "{{$c.type}}",
# "value": "{{$c.message}}",
# "short": true
# }
# {{end}}
# ]
# }]
# |
# email:
# subject: Application {{}} sync status is 'Unknown'
# message: |
# {{if eq .serviceType "slack"}}:exclamation:{{end}} Application {{}} sync is 'Unknown'.
# Application details: {{.context.argocdUrl}}/applications/{{}}.
# {{if ne .serviceType "slack"}}
# {{range $c := .app.status.conditions}}
# * {{$c.message}}
# {{end}}
# {{end}}
# slack:
# attachments: |-
# [{
# "title": "{{}}",
# "title_link":"{{.context.argocdUrl}}/applications/{{}}",
# "color": "#E96D76",
# "fields": [
# {
# "title": "Sync Status",
# "value": "{{.app.status.sync.status}}",
# "short": true
# },
# {
# "title": "Repository",
# "value": "{{.app.spec.source.repoURL}}",
# "short": true
# }
# {{range $index, $c := .app.status.conditions}}
# {{if not $index}},{{end}}
# {{if $index}},{{end}}
# {
# "title": "{{$c.type}}",
# "value": "{{$c.message}}",
# "short": true
# }
# {{end}}
# ]
# }]
# |
# email:
# subject: Application {{}} has been successfully synced.
# message: |
# {{if eq .serviceType "slack"}}:white_check_mark:{{end}} Application {{}} has been successfully synced at {{.app.status.operationState.finishedAt}}.
# Sync operation details are available at: {{.context.argocdUrl}}/applications/{{}}?operation=true .
# slack:
# attachments: |-
# [{
# "title": "{{}}",
# "title_link":"{{.context.argocdUrl}}/applications/{{}}",
# "color": "#18be52",
# "fields": [
# {
# "title": "Sync Status",
# "value": "{{.app.status.sync.status}}",
# "short": true
# },
# {
# "title": "Repository",
# "value": "{{.app.spec.source.repoURL}}",
# "short": true
# }
# {{range $index, $c := .app.status.conditions}}
# {{if not $index}},{{end}}
# {{if $index}},{{end}}
# {
# "title": "{{$c.type}}",
# "value": "{{$c.message}}",
# "short": true
# }
# {{end}}
# ]
# }]
# -- The trigger defines the condition when the notification should be sent
## For more information:
triggers: {}
# trigger.on-deployed: |
# - description: Application is synced and healthy. Triggered once per commit.
# oncePer: app.status.sync.revision
# send:
# - app-deployed
# when: app.status.operationState.phase in ['Succeeded'] and == 'Healthy'
# trigger.on-health-degraded: |
# - description: Application has degraded
# send:
# - app-health-degraded
# when: == 'Degraded'
# trigger.on-sync-failed: |
# - description: Application syncing has failed
# send:
# - app-sync-failed
# when: app.status.operationState.phase in ['Error', 'Failed']
# trigger.on-sync-running: |
# - description: Application is being synced
# send:
# - app-sync-running
# when: app.status.operationState.phase in ['Running']
# trigger.on-sync-status-unknown: |
# - description: Application status is 'Unknown'
# send:
# - app-sync-status-unknown
# when: app.status.sync.status == 'Unknown'
# trigger.on-sync-succeeded: |
# - description: Application syncing has succeeded
# send:
# - app-sync-succeeded
# when: app.status.operationState.phase in ['Succeeded']
# For more information:
# defaultTriggers: |
# - on-sync-status-unknown