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Redis can be accessed via {{ if ne (int .Values.redis.port) 0 }}port {{ .Values.redis.port }}{{ end }} {{ if .Values.redis.tlsPort }} tls-port {{ .Values.redis.tlsPort }}{{ end }} and Sentinel can be accessed via {{ if ne (int .Values.sentinel.port) 0 }}port {{ .Values.sentinel.port }}{{ end }} {{ if .Values.sentinel.tlsPort }} tls-port {{ .Values.sentinel.tlsPort }}{{ end }} on the following DNS name from within your cluster:
{{ template "redis-ha.fullname" . }}.{{ .Release.Namespace }}.svc.cluster.local
To connect to your Redis server:
{{- if .Values.auth }}
1. To retrieve the redis password:
echo $(kubectl get secret {{ template "redis-ha.fullname" . }} -o "jsonpath={.data['auth']}" | base64 --decode)
2. Connect to the Redis master pod that you can use as a client. By default the {{ template "redis-ha.fullname" . }}-server-0 pod is configured as the master:
kubectl exec -it {{ template "redis-ha.fullname" . }}-server-0 -n {{ .Release.Namespace }} -c redis -- sh
3. Connect using the Redis CLI (inside container):
{{- else }}
1. Run a Redis pod that you can use as a client:
kubectl exec -it {{ template "redis-ha.fullname" . }}-server-0 -n {{ .Release.Namespace }} -c redis -- sh
2. Connect using the Redis CLI:
redis-cli -h {{ template "redis-ha.fullname" . }}.{{ .Release.Namespace }}.svc.cluster.local
{{- end }}